Chapter 6

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Louis P.O.V

Waking up holding harry was the best way I could've ever dreamed of. His face is buried so far into my chest I'm slightly afraid my chest is cutting off his air flow. I kissed the top of Harry's head and started the impossible task of untangling myself from his long limbs. He stirred and looked up at me with big green eyes.

"Nu uh" Harry's grip around me only got tighter.

"Harry" I said In a warning tone.

"Pwease dont get uppppp" he said with a pout.

"Harry Edward" I spoke low and sternly causing him to look up and whimper as it I was going to hit him. I suddenly felt a warm liquid on my pajama pants and the bed underneath us. At that Hazza began to cry out of embarrassment.

"Shit, Haz no shhhhh it's okay baby. Hold on." I flipped the covers off us and lifted Haz up with me as he was still clinging to me crying and repeatedly mumbling "sorry" and "I'm so stupids". "Bubby your not stupid and you dont need to be sorry I shouldnt have scared you, daddys sorry." I carried harry in the bathroom and turned on the bath. I waited till the water was the perfect temperature then turned to Haz. "Bubby do you want me to get Baba or papa?" Hazza nodded so i ran out to find that the 3 other boys weren't in bed, I hadn't noticed before. I ran downstairs to find Niall all snuggled into Zayns chest while and Zayn and Liam were watching love is blind on netflix in the living room.

"Hey Lou what do you need?" Zayn said with a smirk. Dirty minded bastard. I was already flushed and covered in piss so I guess he thought it was somthing else.

"So I kinda used my Alpha on Haz on accident cause I really had and still have to piss and he wouldnt let me up and he kinda got scared and peed. So I started the tub for him but since I'm new i asked if he wanted one of you for help with the bath and he said yes so can one of you go up please?" They all looked at me stunned.

"Yeah Lou I'll go but come with me." Zayn shifted Niall into Liams lap and began walking up the stairs to the bathroom. Still Hazza sat up on the counter still in his wet pjs. " hey baby I heard you had a little accident." Haz nodded his head and put his head down in shame. "No baby you didnt do anything wrong daddy is still learning about all the amazing things about our special little wolfie."

"Okay Zaynie" oh so hes not fully in little space. Good to know.

"Now Hazza if louis is going to live with us he needs to know so he can help you in these times." Harry nods his head. What did I need to know?

"Haz would you like to tell Lou or should I?" Harry pondered it for a moment.

"Can we show him?"

"Yes baby we can show him. Now lou this might be a surprise but you cant be negative this is very hard for Harry to tell people okay." I nodded quickly. What are they about to show me.

"Ready Hazza?" Harry nodded and Zayn began to discard many pieces of Harry's wet clothes. First Zayn took off Harry's wet trousers and put them in the hamper near by. Next to come off was Harry's jumper. As soon as the jumper came off I knew what they were so worried about. I didnt say anything and waited. Next were the boxers leaving Haz completely naked and very insecure. I walked up slotting myself between his legs removing his hands from his chest on the way and cupped his face in my hands.

"Haz your still my adorable baby boy. You beautiful dont hide from me." I picked Hazza up and put him in the bath. "May I?" Harry nodded. I began to wash his lanky body top to bottom, careful of the many faded bruises that littered his whole body. I was especially careful around the scars. Then I came up to his chest. I washed just as I had done when I had washed my younger sisters when they were little and needed help in the bath. I didnt dwell tho as Haz seemed uncomfortable. As the bath came to an end I picked in up rapping him in his fluffy pink towel. Zayn had gone out to sort out the bed situation.

"Lou I need to get dressed." I carried him into the room setting him down on his bare feet and watching him run around looking for an outfit. He finally settled on an outfit. He put on what I assume is a tank top thingy and then the outfit. Once he was all dressed he ran up and hugged me around the middle very tight. "Thank you for being understanding. As you could see not alot of people were."

"Its okay baby, just out of curiosity though are there any rules about this I need to know?"

"Well you have to clean me alot more thoroughly then Niall after wearing diapers, dont touch my chest unless you ask, even Zaynie and Liam still ask." He looked me in the eye sternly. "And Louis, don't even ask about my birth name."


Authors note: DUN DUN DUN. So who figure out what the secret was?   I figured I should write what I know and this is somthing I know first hand about. Okay lovelies I'm sorry I took so long I've been really busy and had no inspiration but here I hope you liked it. Hopefully you guys enjoyed and I hope to start actually updating as much as I'd like to. Love you guys have a nice day. TPWK!

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