Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to bright lights making me quickly shut my eyes.


" Oh my god Harry are you okay sweets?" That was Liam he's always been quicker than the others to dad me. Not that um complaining of course ;)

I slowly open my eyes to see all my alphas standing over me. I know this place by the smell. I'm in the nurses office...Yay.

"Hi LiLi" I say with a slight smile trying to give off the impression I'm not still half asleep. "Ni!" I whined at Niall. Niall was a beta weirdly enough but he loved having power over me but being over powered by the others. Niall ran over to me and squeezed onto the tiny bed to cuddle.

"Hi hazza goes my baby feeling?" He kept his voice quiet to not disturb my growing headache...they all know the drill.

Not all the boys are here yet. I know Zaynie has Art this period and he loves the subject so much but his teacher won't even let him use the bathroom so he can never get out of that class. And Louis well I don't know where Lou went.

Just then Louis came into the nurses office with what looked like potato chips and water and a coke.

"Um who the hell are you?" Of course Lou would ask Niall that he's all struggled up to me.

"Harold I'm guessing you failed to explain your situation to the new mate huh." I slowly dropped my head in shame. "Harry Edward Styles you better use your words...or a punishment will be arranged when we get home got it" Liam got very close and whispered the last part in my ear.

"Well um Louis I meant to tell you I kinda well I have more than one mate."

"That's it?"


"Harry that's not a huge deal it's fine...well arnt you gonna introduce me?"

"Oh yeah sure. Well Louis this is Liam. This little cuddle bear is Niall. And Zayn is still in class he couldn't get out of it." Just as I finished Zayn came rushing into the room panting like a dog...well.

Zayn ran over to the bed picked Niall up spun him around so he was standing behind Zayn now. Zayn in typical Zaynie fashion decided to be extra and full on pick me up and put me in his lap while sitting down in my previous spot on the bed.

"How's my baby boy doing is he doing good?" Zayn voice was barely above a whisper.

See in this relationship Niall is beta so he's right above me in the power chart. Then there's Zayn where he well you'll see. Then there's Liam who is an absolute power house and has pretty bad anger issues but loves us all to death non the less. I also have a gut feeling Louis will end up being the Alpha at the top. He seems like the one to discipline and be the scariest but still sweetest Alpha. Anyways back to what's happening.

Zayn cradled me in his arms. He finally dipped his head down and gave me gentle kisses on my lips. Again typical Zaynie fashion. And just like usual I was slowly lulled to sleep.

Zayn's P.O.V

I can't believe my asshole teacher didn't let me leave. My baby was upset and in the nurses office and I couldn't get out of a class that I could do with my eyes closed. Bullshit. Anyway once Hazza was fast asleep I still didn't make a move to get up or put him down.

"This the new one?" I asked shifting my eye towards the extra boy in the room then back at Li.

"Yeah hey I'm Louis." He introduced himself quite nicely.

"Oh so your part of our little pack now?"

"I guess so man"

"Well do you wanna be"

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