chapter 9

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*right after the girls go to get dressed*Klaus' POV*

"Ummmm Dad you can.... Watch football." Was the last thing she said before she went up stairs.

 I suppose I should go change, after all I did sleep here. As I walked to the house, I thought about Meredith. She was so- snap outta it! Nik has a crush! No! Its not possible, love is the greatest weakness. I went home and changed and grabbed a blood bag. When i finished I sat down just thinking. My thinking got interrupted by my telephone. Nik other

Hello Klaus
Ahhh Mr.Salvatore what can I do to help you?
I was wondering if I could meet the girl today
*sigh* I suppose you all should come, let the Scooby gang know. We're going to the grill, goodbye


I suppose I should go next door.

When I walk through the door I see they still aren't done and Stefan has arrived

I hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"My brother totally wants you!" 

That was Rebekah, then I hear Meredith and I can almost hear the smirk in her voice, 

" well I hope Stefans there because he will be drooling!"  

Then I tune out after a few minutes I yell, 

"Are you girls ready? We're leaving without you!"

 "Coming!" I heard Meredith yell.

 After a few minutes of silence I ask

 "Are they down yet?"

and turn around and see the three girls looking stunning, but Meredith was the one who caught my eye. We locked eyes before she smirked and said

 "I thought we were in a rush?"

 "Um we are. Come on," I say,with no cockiness.

A/N yeah, short chapter, I know. Sorry. But I'm working on chapter 10, I just wanted some of Nik's input until next time,

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