Chapter Twelve

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*Merediths POV*

I wake up in the morning and remember the events of this morning and felt embarrassed. I open my eyes to Nik beside me playing with my hair. He smiles at me before saying,
"I brought some people who can help its with the Cullens."
I shoot him a grateful smile before sitting up and saying
"Thank you, and I'm sorry you had to see that last night, I wasn't in a good state of mind. I'll be sure to pull myself together."
He looks at me and says,
"I'm glad I could help, and you don't have to be strong all the time,love."
I smile before getting up and going to my closet. I decide to get dressed in my closet. 

(look at above picture) When I come out I hear voices coming from downstairs.

I walk down and grumble a good morning before going to the kitchen because, face it, I'm always hungry. When I enter the kitchen, I see Klaus, Bekah, and two men I don't know.
"Hello?" I ask them rather than say, I mean it is MY house and there are two random people in my kitchen.

"Hello love" Klaus says.
"Hey babe" Bekah says.
"Move you're standing in front of my food" I whine.
The man in the suit chuckles and moves. I get out the milk and then grab a bowl and a box of cereal from the cabinets. I start stuffing my face. After a few minutes I notice I'm being started at.
"Who are you people? "I ask after swallowing the last of my cereal.
Suit guy extends his hand and says,
"Elijah mikealson , at your service."
"Ah the polite one," I say.
The other one says,
"The most handsome man in the world, aka kol, at your service "
"The vain asshole," I say and Rebekah and Nik laugh.
Then I look at them and say,
" Elijah , your nickname is now Eli. And Kol, your nickname is pretty boy." I say.
Klaus looks at me wide eyed and complains,
"How come I'm the only one who had a bad nickname!?" I roll my eyes.

"Shut up cry baby." I say.

"Anyway, Klaus mind telling what they're doing here?" I ask.
"I told you I invited people over that could help us with the Cullen problem." he says.
" I'm hungry!" I whine.
"you just ate!?" Kol says.
Mom and Dad walk in and Dad says,
"Clearly you don't know Meredith. She eats more than a pig."
Mom and I both smack his head he says
He mumbles under his breath,
"Are all women this abusive?"
which earns him two more smacks. And then I say,
" but it's true so let's go shopping, we have no food in this house!" I say.
Rebekah offered to go with me, as did Klaus. So we all three ended up going shopping, for food of course.
When Klaus went to the bathroom rebekah turns to me and says,
"My brother totally likes you!"
I say, 

"I don't think so, I'm an empath, remember? If he liked me I would of felt something."

"Maybe you're just too blind to see it. He came over to your house at two in the flipping morning because you sounded upset. Not to mention, he never came home so I'm assuming he stayed at your house. Then he invites Kol , whom he can't stand, to help us with the Cullen problem!" rebekah argues.
"let's just drop it. okay? I like your brother but he doesn't like me that way." I say and walk away and put the groceries in the bed of my truck.
after we bought the food, I excused myself to the bathroom. When I return, I hear bekeh and Meredith arguing so I don't make myself known and just sit there.
"too blind to see it. He came over to your house at two in the flipping morning because you sounded upset. Not to mention, he never came home so I'm assuming he stayed at your house. Then he invites Kol , whom he can't stand, to help us with the Cullen problem!"I hear rebekah say.
Are they talking about me? Then I hear Meredith,
"let's just drop it. okay? I like your brother but he doesn't like me that way."
and then she walks away. Wait did she just say she likes me?
A/N I'm on a roll lately! Let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions Dm me and I'll be happy to hear from you. Peace out
Love Bubbles

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