Chapter five

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*Meredith's POV*

I turn to Bekah's brother, 

" So what's your name accent man!?" I ask

He chuckles before answering, 

"Depends on whos asking. To my brother, its Niklaus. To enemies, it's Klaus. To friends, it's Nik." He says.

"Then to me.... Accent! " I say excitedly.

Rebekah laughs, then Accent asks

" what about Rebekah!?"

"Bekah!" I say proud of my name for Nik.

"What!? No fair!" He says.

 Bekah looks him like he has grown another head

" Meredith, I think you broke him! He's never acted this childish, even as a child!" She says and I just giggle.

"Anyway, come on Mer. We need to get you into the house!" Bekah says.

"Um dont I need to sign some papers and stuff?" I ask.

"Already done and its move in ready!" She yells

"Ummmm OK." I say shrugging and walk in.

"Wow! This place is amazing!!" I gush

" I know!" She giggles.

"You know what we should do!?"I ask

"SHOPPING!!!!" We yell at the same time. We look at each other, then fall on the floor laughing.

"OK, so let's go" Bekah says and we climb into my truck much to Bekah's dismay.

" I see you figured out which car is yours." Bekah says and I swear if I could blush I would,recalling the earlier conversation.

"Nope I stole it." I say with a straight face.

"Really?!" She asks getting nervous

"No, Bekah, I didn't steal the car. Calm down!" I say

" wow, you're a good liar!" She say

Just then my phone rings

Hi mom!
Hey sweet heart
Hey sissy!!
We were just calling to check up on you, and to say we miss you
I miss y'all too

Mer!! You missed the exit!
Shoot! Sorry Bekah!
Where are you going Meredith?
Bekah and I are going shopping!!!
That's my girl! Remember, shop till you drop! Have you met Any guys?
(Emmett In the back ground "better not of!!!!)
Um two, but I just met them mom!
Ohhhh sissy has a crush!!!!
Do not!! Now Bekah and I are there so we gotta go! Love y'all!
Love you!
Love you!
*phone call ends*

*five hours later****

"I think it's time to go home. I'm getting awful tired," I say.

"Kk you have my number now, right?" She asks.

"Yeah and we live right next to each other!" I say.

"Oh.. Yeah. I forgot!"


Finally!I was getting hungry I think to my self

When I get home I quickly put my stuff away before I go into the woods to hunt

While hunting, I run into someone. His hair reminds me of Edward's. I cringe just thinking the name. I guess look-alike heard me cause he turns around and looks at me with blood running down his face. Great, I thought this town was normal. I think to myself. He comes speeding towards me. I run back to my mansion as fast as I can, them put a spell on it to keep other vampires out. Oh yeah that's part of my gift, I'm a witch, I'm also a copycat. Soon I fall asleep on the couch.

A/N Im sorry, I know its short but school started again today so updates might be slower. Plus I feel like crap today. Thank you all for your support!!! Ta ta!

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