Chapter 13

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A/N I had a reposted the chapter to see if that fixed it. So this is just an edited version of the other chapter 13

Merediths POV*

After the incident in the store, everyone was quiet. Klaus must of felt the tension because he wasn't even there and he kept his mouth shut. When we got home I put up  the groceries and went to my room.

  Before long, Stefan's brother - I think his name is Damon - came in.

 "Klaus said we should discuss the Cullen problem" Damon said. 

"I'm coming. Why'd they send you up here? All they had to do was say my name." I asked. 

He smirked, "we did but your music was so loud you didn't hear us." 

oh. That made sense. I was being all moody since the incident with Bekah at the store.

  I go down stairs to see the scooby gang here,including Elena-much to my dismay.

 "okay so anybody who doesn't want to be here leave now because I can't risk you getting our plan and then taking it to the Cullens." I say as soon as I'm in the room. 

Elena starts to leave but then Damon grabs her hand and shots her a glare. She sits back down.

"so I think Meredith should tell us everything she knows about the Cullens." nik says.

"um okay let's see... We have the dad figure, Carlisle who doesn't like to fight and is a doctor.
Emse who is Carlisle's mate. She's caring.
Isabella is a sheild so she thinks she's invincible when in reality it only blocks some mental attacks.
Eddie boy can read minds unless you have a sheild.
Alice-or pixie witch as I like to call her - can see the future but only if the person makes a decision. Her weakness is werewolves, they block her vision.
Jasper has experience with new borns so he's pretty good at fighting.  He can control emotions and feel emotions.
The wolves are really shape shifters and can shift when ever. Don't attack the big brown one if he's there.
Although he most likely won't be. If you see a small girl there, don't attack her either, she won't hurt us. "
I say going through the list of people I once called a family.

I turn to my parents,
      "Mom, dad, I'm not asking you to fight with us, all in asking is that you don't fight against us," I say," I don't want you to have to fight against your family. "
     " They stopped being or family when Bella hit you. I never liked her, even as a human." Mom says.
    " yeah! I'm gonna beat some butt! "Dad says excited before bracing himself for slaps but only received laughter.
    "Thank you. I love yall " I say giving them a hug.

Then Bekah cuts in and says,
    " Rose, I believe Meredith and I promised to take you shopping."
  Mom and Dad both stare at me trying to figure out which mood I'm in.

 Then I squeal and say

     "Yes! Let's go get ready!" I say before I leave the room Caroline and Bonnie come up to us.
     "Could we tag along?" Caroline asks.

I think a few minutes then decide to read their minds to see their intentions since no one in the scooby gang knows of my powers they wouldn't be hiding anything from their thoughts.
      I really hope they say yes, it'd be awesome to find new friends who like shopping as much as me that was Caroline, then I go to Bonnie.
        I bet the reason Elena doesn't like her is because she's prettier than her. I want to be friends with her and I'm not letting Elena stop me.

       "yeah yall can come" I say giving them a big smile.
        We then walk up to my vanity room. Yes, I have a whole room for it. Caroline and Bonnie's jaws both drop when they see how much stuff I have. Bekah and mom have already seen it so they go straight to the clothes. I turn to Caroline and Bonnie and say,
     "help yourself to use anything that you want."

Then I go over to the makeup and start applying blood red lipstick, mascara and black eyeshadow. Then I got to clothes and grab a black tank top, and a short-but not too short - skirt. As for hair, I just straighten it.

    When I go down stairs everyone is speechless because they've only seen me with my bouncy curls. I smile before sitting on daddy's lap. As in sitting there a fantasize about dating Nik, but he didn't like me like that. I'm so busy in la la land that I don't realize my name is being called until I realize daddys shaking me.
       "huh?" I ask.
Dad laughs at me and says,
       "They went on out" 
I kiss him on the cheek and had towards the door Klaus stops me before I get there.
     "I was wondering if um... You'd like to go to dinner tonight?" he asks and sounds nervous.
I smile real big, give him a hug and say.
      "I'd love to go to dinner with you tonight"  then I leave, surprised I didn't stutter one bit.

A/N Next chapter will be shopping! I want to thank my readers for all the reads and awesome comments I've been getting. Thank you!  Until next Time,

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