Chapter 25

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a/n I have no clue where I'm going with this. I kinda wanna bring in a poly relationship though, would y'all be okay with that? Let me know if you have any ideas on that. 

         When we got back to Klaus' house all the Mikaelsons were already there. Kol and Bekah were arguing per usual. Eli was just reading something for probably the 100th time.

         I walk in and freeze Kol and shoo Bekah. She glares at me but moves any way and laughs at her brother. Eli gives me a look of disapproval and I shrug and unfreeze Kol.

        Once he's unfrozen he glares and me and I speak,

      "Hey pretty boy; you up for some pranks?" 

       His glare immediately turns into a mischievous smile and i smile knowing that this will be fun.

      "They're still at school and only "grandma" should be home. I know a spell that can hide us... Why not start now?"  I ask.

       He smirks and runs up stairs and comes back down with a bag.  I give Klaus and kiss on the cheek and run out to my truck. 

       When we get there we're pleasantly surprised to see no one is home. I recite a spell quickly to get rid of our scents and then grab bleach out of the truck bed. I open the bottle and start to pour it onto the grass killing it and spelling out words. 

       The whole town will see it as the Cullens decided to live very publicly this time. "Abusive" "Fairies" "Creeps" Just a few things I poured into the grass. ( I got this prank from Explosivewafflez) 

       I throw the bleach into my truck bed and then walk inside to see Kol putting crayons in their dryer. I walk into the family room to see Eddie's precious piano. I lift the lid of it and pour honey over the strings. 

        As I finish emptying the honey out I hear cars. I wave kol to me and teleport us to the truck and then teleport the truck to the Mikaelson home before passing out.

*Kol's POV* 

        After pulling epic pranks at the Cullen home Meredith gets us home and then passes out. Klaus runs outside and growls at me,

     "What the fuck happened?"

     I put my hands up in defense, "She used too much I think. Bennett has mentioned it a few times." 

     He gives me a glare as if its my fault and I roll my eyes.  She scoops her up and takes her inside and I hear Elijah give a small chuckle and I give him a questioning glance. 

     "I haven't seen him care for someone so much in a long time brother," is his reply to my unasked question. 

      I nod and then walk inside to tease Rebekah about her and Stefan. 

A/N I know the pranks were crappy i'm sorry. I really hate how fast I had Klaus and Meredith's relationship going but I'm still writing for those of you still reading. I hope you enjoy, this is my apology of some time for updating late 

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