Chapter 16

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*Meredith's POV*

"Spill, NOW!" Caroline said as soon as she got me in the house.

I just sighed and walked up the stairs.

When I got into my room everyone was there; mom, Bonnie, Bekah, and to my surprise, Elena.

       Elena walked up to me,

"I'm sorry for how I behaved earlier. Most people just like me and the way you automatically seemed to hate me bothered me." she said.

"Yay, Elena is done being a witch!" Caroline says, then she turns to me,"now spill!"

The smile on my face brightens.

     "He took me to Carowinds and we rode every ride and I fell asleep in the car and...." 

I stopped because I started daydreaming about his perfect lips on mine and his dreamy eyes and-

"MEREDITH!" Caroline yelled at me.

    "Huh?" I say still in a daze. 

I look up and Caroline is glaring at me while Rebekah and Elena are laughing at me and Bonnie is trying not to.

    "Oh yeah.... Well he picked me up out of the car and carried me to the car. We started talking and to shut me up, he kissed me. Then he gave me a gentle kiss before putting me down and you pulled me  inside," I say the last part with a glare towards Caroline.

    "So, Elena... Why don't we get to know each other?" I say

"Let's play truth or dare" Bonnie suggests. 

"Yeah"Bekah says.

Everyone nods.

"Truth or dare it is" I say.

We all get in a circle on my king bed and I grab a coke bottle off of my dresser.

       "Who wants to go first?"I ask

"I'll go."says mom. She spins and it lands on Bekah.

"Dare"she says confidently.

"I dare you to ....stay with the guys tonight and bark every time a cuss word is said."mom says smugly.

"Way to go mom!" I say and then high five her. 

"But since the game just started she had an hour before she has to go "

Everyone agrees. Then Rebekah spins. It lands on me. 

" Truth or dare" she asks me

   "truth" I say slightly scared. 

She grins, "hmmmm.... What do you see in my brother?"

"Well... He's funny, sarcastic, sexy, caring, and I feel a pull towards him."

"Wait, I'm going to look through my grimore, that sounds awful familiar"

Bonnie runs to her bag sitting beside the door and starts flipping through a big book.

She turns to look at me and smiles.

"Well Bon Bon, you have every right to gloat, but tell us what you were right about."I say. 

"Nope! I'll let you know when the time is right!" she says.

"witch." i mumble.

"yup! you've got that right!!!" she says with a smirk,

ik this is really short but i kinda got bored with this chapter and want to move onto the next chapter! love yall! let me know your thoughts on this chapter

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