chapter 6

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*Stefan's POV* SURPRISE!!!

Damon told me about the new girl who was here to see Rebekah.

 This can't be good. I'll admit (only to myself) I'm still in love with Rebekah. Don't get me wrong, I love Elena, but more in a sibling way. 

Anyway I decided I needed blood so I went to hunt. I'd been hunting for like half an hour when I turned around and there was a girl, I'm assuming the girl is Bekah's friend. I chased her until we got to her house and all of a sudden I couldn't get in. I looked in as far as I could and it looked like she had collapsed onto the couch and started crying. Something about wanted a normal life. Darn. I didn't mean to ruin her life or anything. Is it possible she didn't know about Mystic Falls? Only one way to find out, I'll go see Bekah. Note to selfdon't call her that to her face.

*Rebekah's POV*

I was still putting away my clothes from Meredith's and my shopping spree when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it Nik!!" I yell cuz it might be Meredith otherwise I'd make them get it. 

"Alright then sister," Nik says.

I run down to the door and open into reveal a very bloody Stefan, it made him more attractive if you ask me, I'd never admitted it to anyone though.

"Hello Stefan, how may I help you this evening?" I ask with distaste and wrinkle my nose to let him think I do not approve of his appearance.

"The girl. What is she?" He asks bluntly.

"Right down to business I see. Quite frankly Stefan, I don't know. But if you touch her, I'll rip off your neck," I say.

"How do you not know what she is?!" He asks me.

" I believe she is a hybrid of some kind. Happy now?" I say getting annoyed with the conversation already.

"What kind?"

"I don't know now leave me alone so I can go see her," I say bossily and he leaves. 

I yell a quick goodbye to Nik and walk over to Meredith's house.

I knocked and tried to come in but I couldn't. 

Hmmm... I was getting in fine earlier.

*Meredith's POV*

I heard a knock on the door and someone try to open the door.I walk over to the door to see Bekah. I open the door and gesture for her to come in. She tries but can't. Wait! That means! "You're a vampire." I blurt without thinking

She asks how I knew.

"Come on in, its a long story."

She comes in confused and sits on my couch. So I start to explain (if you don't remember, re read chapter one and two) I also explain on how I'm a copycat/witch (basically she can coot the abilities of and supernatural being. Witches, vampires, werewolves, etc.) .Then I proceed to explain what happened in the woods. She curses really low, but I still hear it. 

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"That was Stefan. The idiot showed up at my door asking about you." She rolls her eyes. 

All of a sudden, I get a feeling she liked him.

" You like him" I say. 

She doesn't deny it.

"How did you know?" She asked

"I told you, I'm a copycat and my uncle was a empath" I say smiling.

"So I think I should tell you everything now"she says. 

I nod.

"Ok so I have five brothers. Two being dead. Living we have the Original Vampires including myself: Elijah the noble one, Nik, the heartless one, Kol the self conceited one. Dead is Henik who was never a vampire, and Finn who is mama's favorite died trying to kill us. 

You've met Stefan and Damon, the Salvatore brothers. Katherine pierce or Katrina Peavota vampire. Elena Gilbert, human but is Katherine's doppelganger so be careful. Umm Tyler Lockwood is a wolf. Jeremy Gilbert can see ghosts . Bonnie Bennet is a witch. Alaric is a vampire hunter. Caroline Forbes is vampire. Matty blue eyes is human. Ummmm... I think that's all besides a few of Nik's hybrids that I don't care to name," She says.

"OK I'll try to keep that in mind," I say.

"So now that that's out of the way...."she trails off. 

Then we look at each other and yell "SLEEPOVER!!!!"at the same time.

" I'll be right back, I have to get my stuff from the house." She says and disappears but reappears with tons of stuff in her hands

"This outta be fun" I say and grin bigger than I thought humanly possible, well I'm not human so I guess that explains it.

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