Chapter 22

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A/N You guys have no idea how happy your comments made me 😊😊😊 but y'all I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this story; all my notes were on the old laptop which will no longer come on


*Meredith's POV*

I woke up in the morning feeling safer than I had in a long time. I turn to see Klaus staring at me.

" Okay Edward, watching someone sleep is creepy" I say teasingly.

He scrunches up his nose, "I don't get the reference but it mentioned Edward so I take offence to that" he says in confusion and disgust.

I just laugh at him and get out of bed to look for something to wear my first day of school.

I narrow it down to two options so I ask Klaus, "Cute; let's be friends or Don't fuck with me?"

I narrow it down to two options so I ask Klaus, "Cute; let's be friends or Don't fuck with me?"

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"Don't fuck with me," he says, "after all; you're with the big bad hybrid" he finishes smirking.
I laugh at his stupidity and go into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

After my shower I walk downstairs to make breakfast only to find that Klaus already made me breakfast. I smile at him and kiss him on the cheek.  Elena walks in minutes later. 

"Hey Stefan is driving Bonnie and I to school today. Do you want a ride?" she asks as she steals a piece of my bacon. 

I give her a fake glare and move the bacon outta her reach,

"No thanks. I wanna drive today. That way if I hate everyone I can bolt," I tell her.

I grab three plates before grabbing another two and telling Bonnie and Stefan to come in from the car. I take the stack of pancakes I just made and put them in the center along with bacon. I put glasses on the table and some OJ. I got a thermos and poured some animal blood in it for Stefan. I pour myself some coffee and put a little blood in it. 

After everyone eats we all go to our cars. Klaus insists on going with me so I let him. We walk outside and he starts walking towards his house.

"Where are you going?" I ask him in confusion.

"Well I thought maybe you'd like to add to your 'don't fuck with me' outfit by taking my bike," he says with a smirk and throws me the keys.

I catch them and get on first and then Klaus gets on behind me. I rev up the engine and before I know it we're at the school. 

Getting off the bike I hear a lot of whispers. Some asking who I am, some asking if i'm with the new family. Some replies that I've been spotting with the scooby gang and the milkeasons. 

A lot of pondering if i'm single. I smirk to myself knowing how to answer that. 

I hop off the bike and slowly take off my helmet. I can hear excitement everywhere and even some wolf whistles. I lean towards Klaus and take off his helmet and there are gasps all around. They're even more shocked when I lean in and kiss him.

A/N so i'm trying to get back to writing. I also started a new story called Merlin's School for the Talented if anyone is interested. kisses!

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