chapter 4

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A/N I know its really short but I ran out of time

*Meredith's POV*

After I say bye to Rebekah- excuse me, Bekah, I call mom.
Rose Meredith Emmett

Hey mama!
Meredith! Hey my baby!!

Hey Daddy!!
So what you need girlie, I know you don't miss us already

Umm, this is really embarrassing, but I don't know which car is mime
Hush you big baby. Meredith, your car is the four-wheel drive truck, press the button on your keys and the truck will beep.

Yes! I have get stuck in the mud (yeah I'm in a tomboy mood so keep your judgement to yourself)
That's my girl!!!
Don't mess up your clothes!!

Well, I need to call a girl I met on the plane . She said she would show me around. Love y'all!
Love you! Get a boyfriend!
Love you! No boyfriends!

    And with that,I hung up. I got in my car and drove to the only place to eat I'm this town, the Mystic Grill. I order some cheese fries and a Coke. Waiting for my coke an extremely good looking man with icy-blue eyes can over to me

"May I help you?" I ask being polite, thats how my parents-thats how mom raised me

"Not but I bet I can help you, miss..." He trails off hopping to catch my name

"Cullen but I swear if you call me by that I will rip off your head and feed it to my sisters werewolf" I say sounding like I'm kidding, but I'm not.

"Call me Meredith or Rose or both" I tell him.

"Well miss Rose, my names Damon Salvatore, and I know this town like the back of my hand" he says.

"Well Mr Salvatore, you could tell me where Rebekah Mikealson lives" I suggest.

A look of confusion and caution flashes his face.

"Um sure" he says sounding slightly taken back.

 He jumps in his car and I jump in my truck.

**time skip**

Before long we stop in front of a freakin mansion! 

Dang I think to myself.

Damon is gone before I can say thank you.

I come up to the door and hesitantly knock.
"Hello, love"says a man with an amazing accent

"Are you British?!" I ask instead of replying

He chuckles and says "yes love, I am"

"What's your name," he asks

Before I can reply, Bekah comes running in screaming,"MEREDITH!!!!"

The man and I just laugh

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