Chapter 3

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*Meredith's POV"

When I'm on the plane I hear a very pretty girl who looks kinda young arguing over the phone. It sounds like shes arguing about how much she spent shopping.

 I smile remembering the countless arguments Mom and I had with Dad about spending so much, even though we could afford it. 

When shes done on the phone she turns to me and huffs.

"Men, they just don't get it," and rolls her eyes. 

I laugh and say, "Hello, my name is Meredith Rose."

"Rebekah Mikaelson, but Bekah to friends." She says, then:"Where you from, where you heading?"she asks.

" I'm from Forks, Washington and heading to Mystic Falls, Virginia, you?"I ask.

"I'm from Mystic Falls, but I was In Paris shopping. I'm heading back to Mystic Falls. We are going to be great friends!" She exclaims. 

Dang she has a high pitch voice! I wince.

"So why did you decide on Mystic Falls?" She asks.

"Um... Its a nice, quiet, little town. And I just really wanted to get away, ya know?" I say

"Why'd you need to get away?" she questions

"I'm not quite ready to talk about it, but you'll be the first to know when I am" I tell her. 

She nodded in understanding.

"So, do you know where you're staying yet?" She asked me.

"Not really, I'm hoping for a house, but if there's none for sell I'll get an apartment" I tell her.

 She nods and says ," Wait a sec, I'm gonna call my brother and see if there's any houses for sell in Mystic Falls"

 then she stands up and I strain my ears to hear her, even as a vampire I could barely hear her. All I made out was 

"Next door....move out...compel... best friend...Nik!..thank you!"

She comes back to the seat and says,

"Great News! Nik, my brother, says the house next to my house is for sell!" She says, excited. I

 just giggle and say, "Well I'm sleepy so I'm gonna take a nap."

*****Rebekah's POV******

There's something about this girl, I just don't know. Once Im sure she's asleep, I call Nik back
Hello, sister
Tell me about this girl you're so excited about.
Well listen to that! Big bad hybrid cares
Haha but no, to need to know all the humans in Mystic Falls
That's the thing,  I don't think she's human, but I'm not sure what she is.
Just great, I don't have time for this Bekah. Tell me everything you know about her
Her name is Meredith Rose. She comes from Forks, Washington. She said she needed the nice quiet town, but wouldn't say what happened.
Thank you, sister. Goodbye.
Bye Nik

After Nik's phone call, I decide to take a nap also.

*time skip, still Bekahs POV*

I open my eye eyes and Meredith is shaking me

"Rebekah, get up, the plane has landed," she says.

I groan before saying,

"What did I tell you? I think we're going to be great friends, and friends call me Bekah"  I say in a voice that makes most people think I'm angry, to my surprise she giggles.

"OK, well I should probably call my mom and ask which car is mine." She says

"You don't know what your car looks like?" I ask

"Yea, no. You know what I mean. Well, bye!" she's very hyper.
A/N its kinda short Ik, but Im done for now

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