Chapter 14

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Merediths POV

After Nik asked me out I hopped into my truck to find the girls already there.

"What's got you so smiley? " Bekah asks

" No reason," I say still smiling ear to ear.

" Seriously, why? "mom asks

" A certain Britt might have just asked me out. "I say

Bekah sequels

Caroline asks ," Wait, you like Kol?! "confused.

"Wait! She's wrong right? It was Nik. Please tell me it was Nik.! " Bekah says.

" Yes Bekah, it was Nik. "I say laughing

"Wow!"Caroline says.

By now we're at the mall.

" You do realize now we have to get you an outfit for the date right? " Bekah says

" yes so let's get to work "I say

Seven stores later we were still trying on clothes

" We have one more outfit for you to try on" mom says " I think it's the one!" she hands me a black crop top and some cutoff jeans. I

 put it on and walk out for the girls.

Their eyes widen.

"Does it look that bad?" I ask and start to walk back to discard it.

"No! It looks awesome and if you don't get it I'll kill you! "Bonnie says talking for the first time since we got here and may I say she looks quite scary.

" Yes ma'am! " I say dead serious.

We all stare at each other before busting out laughing.

" I have an idea! " I suddenly scream.

" Don't hurt yourself love. "Rebekah smirks (did I forget to mention she's British? Oh well she's Klaus' sister so it's common sense)

I glare at her.

" Just for that, you are no longer part of my idea "I say turning to the other girls.

" oh no! What ever will I do? I'm not part of one of your ideas! "she fake cries.

I ignore her and start talking to mom, Bonnie, and Caroline.

" I was thinking that after my date tonight, we can kick out all the boys plus Rebekah, "she looks hurt when I use her real name and not nickname and disgusted at the thought of being kicked out with the guys," and we can have a sleep over! "I say excited.

The girls look at me and Caroline says,

" That sounds awesome! " Mom and Bonnie agree.

I read Bekah's mind.
That actually sounds like a good idea. She'll forgive me by the time the dates over.

Well I was going to let her anyway but now I'm going to prove a point. I grin evil.

" um I don't like that smile on her face. "Caroline says.

"You shouldn't, that's her evil smile. "mom says. The last time I got that smile each of the Cullens (minus mom, dad, and Nessie) woke up with a wrong limb. Like I took Alice's arm and gave her Edwards leg.

" well now it's time to get accessories! "Caroline says

We then go into forever 21.

After we were done we went home, kicked out every one, and the girls helped me get ready

Goodbye Cullens(a Twilight and Vampire diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now