Chapter 23

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Meredith's POV

I walk up to the front office to get all of my information and then I walk to my locker. I put all my textbooks in there besides my first period class: History.

I walk into the history class and recognize Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie and Rebekah.

I smile and take a seat beside Bekah before the bell rings. The teacher, who introduced himself as Ric, starts writing our assignment on the board and making a few jokes here and there when suddenly he is interrupted.

The whole class turns to the door and stares at the people who just walked in the room. When I see who it is I pale.

Alice and Jasper.

I didn't really have anything against them but I didn't like them either. They never abused me but they ignored me. My problem is where one Cullen is, the rest follow.

I look around the room and my eyes land on Elena who seems to be the only one who understood who they were and wasn't struck by their beauty. She knows the full extent of my powers and says something to me in her head, knowing I could hear her,

"Change your appearance, they haven't noticed us yet but jasper will feel our panic soon. Don't worry about the humans, if anyone notices we'll compel them,".

I give her a thankful smile and begin to change my appearance.

I give her a thankful smile and begin to change my appearance

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(Meredith's new look above)

I change to something edgier because I know that the Cullens tend to associate with the preppy type instead. Elena raises her hand and waits for Ric to call on her.

" Can Rose walk me to the nurse please? I don't feel too well and I'm not sure if I can make it to her office alone," she asks actually looking really sick.

Ric gives a short nod to her and no one even blinks at my new name, I guess because I never introduced myself. Alice looks over at me thinking I might be their Rose but looks away fast when she sees me.

When we get out of the class room she starts to walk towards the bathroom and pulls out her phone. I'm too out of it about the Cullen's being here to even ask what she's doing.

I can vaguely here her calling someone and telling them to get here fast. After she gets off the phone she pulls be into a hug and hums trying to calm me down. Before I know it, There are three other presences in the bathroom: Mom, Dad, and Nik.

Mom and Dad go somewhere and Nik nods to Elena before taking me in his arms and walking outside.

Once we make it out of the school Nik stands me up and turns me towards him,

"I have a surprise for you. I was gonna give it to you after school but I'll give it to you now. It kind of goes with your new disguise perfectly love,' he says before covering my eyes and guiding me into the parking lot.

He keeps one hand over my eyes and uses the other to dig something out of his pocket; he puts it in my hand when he gets it. He then takes the other hand off of my eyes and I'm presented a motorcycle. I smile immedently and hop on it straddling it.

"It's beautiful!" I say.

"I think it makes you look sexy as fuck," he states as if it's a fact.

I blush and say,

"Well get on! Let's get out of here!"

He laughs and gets on behind me and wraps his arms around me. I take off leaving the hell behind me.

A/N So when I first started writing this Meredith was gonna be this badass chick but that didn't happen XD. However she can still be badass and her personality is everywhere.

p.s. I know y'all were upset that this chapter showed up so long and wasn't. I don't know where all the spaces came from but I'm working on fixing it. EDIT: Can y'all let me know if the spaces are gone now?

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