Chapter Ten

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Meredith's POV
As we entered the Mystic Grill, I couldn't help but notice that all eyes were on us. I wonder why? Oh yeah, I forgot I'm traveling with the Originals.

 Anyway, Klaus led us to the biggest table there and we sat down. I wonder who is meeting us here? I sit in-between mom and dad and across from Klaus who is sitting beside Bekah, who is sitting beside Stefan. They totally belong together. Bekah and Stefan that is not- you know what, nevermind. 

After everyone is settled we place our orders. Everyone, besides myself, gets just a drink. Me, I get a burger, cheese fries,and a Cheerwine.  What? Vampire girl has to eat! Our order had just got here and I was stuffing my face when a big group of people (more like supernaturals)  came in.

 I saw a blonde, a brunette,a dark skinned brunette, a mutt(I could smell him), and Damon. I was confuzzled (is a real word, look it up, but it's my word so don't steal it ) when they started coming to our table. 

"Ah the lovely Scooba gang, Elena, you moved on fast,"Klaus says.

" If you don't mind me asking, who are you people? I smell mutt, human, vampire and witch," I say politely.

The brunette speaks first,

" I'm Elena, that's Caroline,that is Bonnie,Tyler, Matt, Jeremy,and Damon." she says before saying in a snooty tone," you do realize your hanging out with the bad guys, right? "

" first off, how do you know I'm not a bad guy? Second off, back off. These are not bad guys as you put it." I say majorly ticked. 

She Huffs and then turns to Stefan, 

"Well she's new here  what's your excuse? "she asks.

 Stefan replies with," You don't own me Elena, I'm here because Meredith seems nice. "

At that dad snorts but he immediately shuts up when I turn and glare at him,
" okay Stefan come up with a better lie than that,  I am the  meanest here "I say.

Well the gang decide I don't know enough about my choice of friends because Elena says,
" I'd like to see you TRY  to beat Klaus," smirking. 
Smirking right back at her, I say

" Do you one better, I'll fight him and one other person of your choice. "

Time skip, half an hour later

Now we are standing in an empty feild. They chose Damon to fight me with Klaus. Mom and Dad sit around making bets about who will last longer, Damon or Klaus.
  Suddenly Matt asks

" who are you two anyway? You follow them but you've only spoken to each other and big one was scared of Meredith earlier "

mom answered,

" we're her parents you idiot "

I laugh  before asking the boys if they're ready then we start. Klaus looks scared but Damon looks ready and is looking at me like im a sixteen year old punk. We start and Damon charges at me.  I easily push him to the side. Klaus takes the opportunity to attack me from Behind. But all that does is make me stumble and angry. So I make a ton of wind and blow Damon 100yrds away.
Yeah, I know, Klaus hit me but he wasn't the one who thought I was gonna be so easy to beat. Anyway,  as for Klaus I simply have him an aneurysm until he gave up. Bonnie's mouth is wide open, 

"How did you do that? I'm a Bennett and even I can't effect an original with an aneurysm!" she says.

"hmm OK? Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I ask.

"Mom how'd you know Klaus was gonna last longer? "

 I asked cause that's who Mom bet on. 

"Well I knew there was a reason they wanted you to fight him "she says. 

Dad says," but that Damon dude was obviously bigger.!" anyway  let's go home.

Time skip cuase I'm lazy
We had just walked through the door of Klaus' house  when my phone went off

It said unknown caller unknown meredith
Hey Ness, since when do you have a phone?
Yesterday when I asked Alice, mommy and daddy were mad when I asked for your number but  Jake found your number for me
By found you mean?
He took mommy's phone and looked.
Gotta go before mommy finds out I got your number
Bye sissy love you
Bye love you too!
*end of call *

"Who was that?" Stefan asked. 

Oh yeah, I forgot he didn't know anything about me, I mean he thinks I'm nice!

"my sister. " I say

Mom looks at me and asks,

" Do you mind if your father and I stay here tonight? "

" Well not here because this isn't my house, but yes you can stay with me "I say.  

I give hugs to Bekeh and Accent and say bye. 

" Wait aren't you gonna help us  explain who you are? " Bekeh asks.

"Nope, "I say grinning.

She calls me a word that rhymes with witch and I laugh before walking out of their house and into mine with mom and dad behind me.

" I'm super tired so Yall can pick out any room you want besides the one I'm sleeping in off course. Good night, I love Yall. "I say before yawning and going to bed.

A/N I know way too short considering the wait Yall went through, but at least in not like some authors who go months with out updating love Yall!
Love, Bubbles

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