Chapter 2

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*Meredith's POV*

When I wake up in the morning there's smiles on everyone's faces except Mom's, Dad's, Nessie's, and Jake's. I guess Mom told them I'm leaving. Nessie jumps into my arms, tears streaming down her face.

"Please don't leave sissy" she begs.
I give her a small smile and unclasp the locket around my neck;inside there's a note just for her and a picture of us together as babies,
" Nes, I love you with all of my heart, but I need to go away for a little while. Please don't cry,"
I lift her hair up off her neck and put the necklace on her,
"This is for you to remember me by." 

I kiss her on the head and say goodbye before running into the woods.

Daddy follows me shortly after and told me it was time to go he handed me a few cards, IDs, passports, a new phone, and a plane ticket. I hugged him really tight. I think that was the first time I saw him tear up, and I don't like it. He gave me a piggy back ride to the car where Mom was waiting. He put me in the back seat and we were off.

************time skip to the airport, Emmett's POV*************

There were tears in my eyes as I walked into the airport with Meredith and Rose. My little girl is leaving, all because those idiots, Edward and Bella. 

And to think, I actually liked Bella when I met her, I thought to myself. Now, it takes all of my will power not to rip their heads off.

I give Meredith her plane ticket," It's to anywhere; we figured you had somewhere specific in mind." I tell her.

 She smiles sadly and says,"Yea, there's a small town in Virginia called Mystic Falls, kinda sunny but I don't think that will effect me." 

Rose says," Hun, I think its time to go."

Meredith says OK before Rose starts:





"Credit cards?"


"Debit cards?"

"Yes ma'am."



"Car keys?" Rose asks with a barely visible smile.

"Yes- wait. No, I don't have a car"

"You do now," I butt in.

Her face breaks out into a huge grin and she throws her arms around Rose and I,

"Thank you so much!"she whisper-yells. I

 decide its time to make a joke,

" Yeah, well its not us who will have to watch the road every time we are out; the people of Mystic Falls are-OUCH!" I yell and people turn around to look at us, Rose and Meredith had both smacked my head at the same time and now were looking the other way. 

I smiled, I'm going to miss this. She gives Rose and I one last hug, then we walk her up to her gate and wave goodbye, before she walks through the gate.

*Meredith's POV* 
I can't believe I'm actually leaving, I'm going to a nice,normal town where vampires and werewolves don't exist. 

Little do I know, I'd never been more wrong in my life.

A/N chapter two is complete!! I honestly doubt many people are reading my story and even fewer are reading this note,( I know how of goes, you read the chapter but not the A/N, I do of all the time) Any way I made a new friend on here yesterday and I thought I'd give her a shoutout, go follow Jade_Of_Truth be warned, she doesn't like silent readers,so COMMENT on her story, I also have a friend who just completed and published her book so go read Coldsgrove by Markers260

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