Chapter 17

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This Chapter is dedicated to leslieg3 because they have voted on every one of my chapters and has encouraged me to keep writting also if you could check out Mickey8142 story, that'd be amazing

Meredith's POV

I was a bit confused when i woke up in the morning to a bunch of girls asleep in my bed, but then I remembered the events of last night. We might have gotten a tiny bit drunk but whatever. I feel so bad for Bonnie because shes the only one who will feel it but she'll probably do some witchy stuff to make it go away.

I need a shower so I got up and got my outfit for the day.When I got to the bathroom,I screamed. On the mirror it said,

"I'm everywhere, and soon you'll be no where" 

A/N any pll fans there?

The girls (minus Bekah, who's with the guys) rushed into the bathroom.

"The hell?" that was Caroline.

Mom came up and hugged me, 

"I guess they're here, I should go tell Emmett." she says and gives me a kiss before leaving.

All of a sudden i'm attacked into a hug. I look up and it's Rebekah.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

 "You screamed bloody murder!" she exclaims. 

I step away so she can see the mirror. By now everyone is here, except the one whose arms I wish I was in. I know he could calm me down. At the moment Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline are hugging me, attempting to keep me from having a panic attack and failing.

Damon looks at Elena in suprise and she just smiles.

Nik's look of panic is the last thing I see before my world goes black.


When I wake up, I can't open my eyes so I give up and just listen.

The first thing I notice is someone holding my hand whispering in my ear. I know who it is before I hear the voice by the sparks going through my body. Nik.

After that realization, I try to listen to what he's saying.

"Please, Meredith. Please wake up baby. Bonnie told me everything. Please." He begs.

whatever Bonnie figured out last night must be what he's talking about. I try again to open my eyes, and fail again. So instead, I try to sqeeze his hand,this, I can do.

" Can you hear me love? " he asks.

I try one more time to open my eyes and i'm blinded by light.
"Someone turn off the light!" I plead with a horse voice. Immediately the lights are turned off and a bottle of blood.
"Thank you." I whisper.
Klaus hugs me like his life depends on it and I hug him back.
"How are you feeling?" Caroline asks me.
"I'm okay Care" I response weakly. 

Next thing I know, Daddy is by my side hugging me.

"You had us terrified. You haven't had a panic attack in a long time!" He said.
"I'm ok Daddy, I'm just a wimp that couldn't take a threat I guess."I say.
Then Klaus looks at me and says, 

"you're NOT a wimp and there's a surprise for you at the house." 

The next part he addresses to everyone else, 

"you are all gonna go to my house so she see her surprise." 

Then he looks at Stefan,who nods. Then, he picks me up and all of a sudden we're at a park.

"I thought it was at my house" I said trying to figure out why we were here.
"It is but I wanted to talk to you first."He says.
"That's never good. Shiz. Ok go ahead" I kinda stutter out.
He laughs. He actually laughed at me being nervous! I glare.
"Bonnie told me about what she found out last night." He said
"Which was? She told me she wasn't gonna tell us yet." I say getting annoyed
"We're mates!" He says smiling.
"Wow. I never thought I'd have a mate. This is awesome." I say.
"Yeah, but I don't think we should tell the others, we should let them figure it out on their own."He says.
"Awesome!" I say. What I'm excited.
He chuckles and leans down and kissess me.
Immediately I react and kiss him back.
He pulls away and I pout.
"As much as I'd love to kiss you all day,we have to get to your surprise."He says and I stop pouting and nods excitedly. 

He picks me back up and we run to my house. He opens the door and I see....

AN I'm an awful person ending there lol.any guesses on the surprise?
Peace out xoxo

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