Chapter 20

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I'm really trying y'all
Meredith's POV
"Awwwwww" was the reaction from mom. 

And there were some very colorful words coming out of Dad's mouth.

I turned around and glared real hard at Dad. He puts his hands up in mock surrender before turning to Klaus.
"You break her heart and I won't hesitate to kill you. You might be immortal but not when it comes to a pissed off father." He says
Klaus nods and replies, 

"I wouldn't dream of it" before kissing my head again.

Everyone smiles and I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see Stefan, Elena, Damon, Bonnie and Caroline.
"Well looks like half the gang is here, where is everyone else?" I ask.
Elena is the one to answer,
"Matt is at work, Kol went to get drunk and Jeremy and Elijah are both making sure he doesn't get too out of hand. We came to tell you something."
"Um ok, come on in. Introductions can wait until you're done talking I suppose " I say letting them all inside and motioning to the living room.
"We were in town today and heard people talking. We assumed it was normal gossip. You know, 'Salvatore brothers are so hot' the normal stuff.
But I heard someone mention new people. And we rarely get new people in Mystic Falls that don't want to kill us so I asked someone if they new anything about it.
There's apparently a family moving here. The father is a doctor who will be working at the hospital. The children will all attend the high school. There's gonna be four new students. That sounds like too many to just be moving here for no reason." Bonnie tells us.
"Who do you think it is?" Dad asks.
"With all of us together, there's no telling. The original family has many enemies, though most aren't stupid enough to try us.
The Salvatores have a knack for pissing people off so that's more to add to list.
Elena is a Doppelgänger so there's no telling how many people want her because of that or mistake her for Katherine and want to kill her. Plus the Volturi want to kill y'all. However the Volturi are not to be feared" Nik says.
" Or the last option.... They're normal people. Stupid people for moving here but normal." Bekah offers.
We all just laugh at her wishful thinking and she sighs a regretful sigh. Well I guess we'll just have to see how everything goes.
"Wait! High school! I knew there was something I forgot! I need to register. Opps" I say suddenly remembering that I appear the age of a high schooler.
I suppose I could change that but I've never been to school so I guess I should try it.
Damon laughs at me and says, "Why would you want to go to the hell-hole known as high school?"
Elena hits him an Stefan glares at him.
"Well I do appear as a high school student so I need to keep up appearances!" I argue in my case. Everyone please understand that I want to go and don't mention that I can change my appearance
I send the message out through my thoughts hoping it reached everyone.
It must have cause no one said anything but Mom smiles and covers Dad's mouth most likely to prevent him from blurting it out. I just smile at my parents and lean into Klaus.
A/N how is it? Good? Bad? Should I delete the story? I'm sorry y'all waited so long for this small chapter but I'm trying really hard.

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