chapter 24

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*so as promised I'm writing. However I'm at my dad's house and left my laptop at my mom's. On top of that I have only had this phone for a day so I'm still trying to figure it out... just bare with me please....

Taking off from the school parking lot I speed onto the road not caring where I was. I drove and felt the wind in my hair and just laughed. Eventuality we ended up at the mystic grill and I took off my helmet to be met with stares. Probably because it was clear I should be at school. Or maybe I was just that hot.

"You're just that hot love"

"I didnt mean to say that aloud sorry "

He laughs at my blush and leads me into the grill.

An older woman comes up to us and asks for out order.

"Um chicken tenders and fries with a Dr pepper please." I say timidly.

Klaus just waves her off.

"Do you want to tell me what happened at school today and why your appearance was different when I picked you up?" He asks after ahe leaves.

I look at my self in the napkin holder surprised, I hadn't noticed that I'd let my appearance go back to normal.

"The Cullens showed up at school today and I didn't want them to recognize me" I say looking down ashamed that I couldn't even be in the same room as them.

He lifts up my chin and smiles at me and look down again,

"Well then, I think it's time for a makeover huh? And some pranks, kol would love to help I'm sure. Besides, I liked the new look" he says before lifting my chin again and kissing me.

We're interrupted by the smiling waitress with our order.

"I love young love, I brought a milkshake, on the house" she says

I smile in thanks and she goes to her next table and then I bust out into giggles.

"If only she knew how young I really am and how old you are"

Klaus just gives me a little smile and rolls his eyes.

"Eat your food little piggy so we can go talk to Kol about pranks."

I roll my eyes knowing he got the piggy thing from dad so I throw a fry at him, which he just eats.

After I finish eating Klaus insists on paying but I leave the tip and we head towards his house to talk to Kol.

A/N this is short, shitty,  and late. But I promised.. so here you go..

Goodbye Cullens(a Twilight and Vampire diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now