Chapter 1- To Mr. Kim Taehyung

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Taehyung kicked the stones as he walked home. It was the last day of school, but with his step-brother Jimin stuck in detention, there was no one to walk home with that day. Not that it mattered. He enjoyed walking alone, as it gave him time with his thoughts.

As he turned around a corner, Taehyung wondered how long would they have to keep the news of his father's marriage a secret. He understood the reason though, or at least he thought he did. If news got out that his father, who was running for senator, married a common school-teacher, it would ruin the family's image.

Out of all the women his father had married before, Taehyung liked Miss Park, or Mrs.Kim as they now called her, the most. She actually took care of him and Seokjin, along with Jimin, who was her actual son.

But it was tiring after five years, especially because he couldn't announce that he and his best friend, Jimin, were actually siblings, or step-siblings, as his father would call them.

His mind then drifted to his older brother Seokjin - whom everybody called Jin, and he wondered what amazing dish he was cooking right now. With their dad busy with his election campaign and mom busy with her job, the responsibility of cooking came on Jin. Not that he ever complained.

Taehyung pushed the gate and fished out his key from his bag. As the door opened, a delicious aroma entered his nostrils. He entered the kitchen and saw Jin cooking.

"Smells delicious," Taehyung complimented, peeking from behind the older boy's shoulder.

Jin smiled, "I hope it tastes delicious as well. Special evening with Jungkook, right?"

Ah, Jungkook. Taehyung smiled when he thought of his cute boyfriend. "You don't have to act as if it is our first date!"

"Well, a year is a big milestone."

"Where's Jimin?" Jin asked, his eyebrows scrunched a little with worry, "He usually comes home with you right?"

"Yeah, well, he's stuck in detention," Taehyung replied, picking up his bag, "Didn't do his homework, I'm pretty sure we both know why."

Jin sighed. He and Jimin had a fight the night before, and Jimin had locked himself in his room, not even listining to Taehyung's pleas.

Taehyung wondered why Jimin hated Jin so much as he climbed up the stairs to his room. The two had gotten along just fine before their parents' marriage.

As he closed the door, he noticed a creamy white envelope on his desk. He picked it up, thinking it was meant for his father- why would anyone send him anything in such a fancy envelope?

But when he turned it around, he looked at the four words written on it:

To Mr. Kim Taehyung


A/N:- I hope you liked  the first chapter. I am going to try and update every week but might not be able to do so. Also, the first few chapters may seem a little boring but they are important as many of the characters are introduced. Also, don't panic because you didn't see Yoongi's name in the description, he will be introduced later. Love you all!💜💜💜

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