Chapter 9- Is anyone there?

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"The next right," Namjoon whispered to himself. He didn't know how he remembered the route exactly, but it didn't matter right now, since his phone had died, and he still needed the directions. He was hungry, since had eaten nothing that day, and it was late in the afternoon. At one point, he also thought he heard Jungkook singing, but blamed it on hallucinations. How could Jungkook be in London?

"I hope the safe house has some food," he thought, taking the turn. "Almost there."

Right then, he heard a growl behind him. Not again.

He turned around and sized up the third monster he would have to face. Its face was like a dog's, with a black snout, brown eyes, and pointy ears. Its body was sleek and black, like a seal's. It had stubby legs that were half flipper and half foot, and human-like hands with sharp claws. It was at least seven feet tall. Although Hoseok had told him about many monsters, he didn't recall him telling any monster like this, but then again, he barely paid attention to any of the 'nonsense' Hoseok talked about. Namjoon regretted this, since he didn't know how to kill it.

Suddenly, he heard another growl, this one from behind him, and much more ferocious.

Great, Namjoon thought, another monster. He turned around and saw a hound with three heads. He recognized this monster. It was Cerberus, the Guardian of the Greek underworld.

"But isn't Cerberus with the good guys?" Namjoon asked himself.

Cerberus growled again and bent his hind legs, as if getting ready to pounce, and jumped. Namjoon raised his hands, as if protecting himself, although he knew it would be of no use against Cerberus's sharp fangs and claws. But Cerberus didn't land on him. Instead, the giant hound attacked the other monster. Namjoon had been right about its allegiance with the good guys. One head looked at him.

Namjoon nodded, understanding what Cerberus was telling him to do. He turned and ran.

As he was running, Namjoon wondered who had sent Cerberus to help him. According to the myths, he was loyal to Hades, the God of the underworld. As he thought about it, it started making sense. The Greek Gods were probably just normal people from the other realms, who the Greeks thought to be gods. These misconceptions were common in history. Take the Egyptians for one. They outright believed that their kings were gods. Nonsense, according to Namjoon. But whatever, people had beliefs, and he had learned to respect them.

He took another right and saw it. The safe house. It was a small mansion. Namjoon opened the gate. He was about to knock when the door opened. There was no one on the other side.

"Alright, that's creepy," he said.

He stepped inside.

"Hello?" Namjoon called, his voice echoing around the empty hall. "Is anyone there?"

Someone stepped into the light.


Although it had been five years, there was no way Namjoon would ever forget that voice. Standing in front of him, with the same blonde hair and black eyes, although a little older, was Min Yoongi.

A/N- Hi guys I updated because I was in a good mood because my English exam went well. How's the new cover? Also, I changed my username.

Yassss! Yoongi's alive! Come on, you guys didn't think I'd kill him, or did you? I haven't reached that stage of writing yet. *Insert evil laugh here*. Don't forget to vote!💜💜💜

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