Chapter 28- Come to Me

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Jungkook felt dizzy when he woke up. It was too dark to see anything. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was him, Jimin and Jin running from the guards.

He tried standing up but he was so dizzy, he ended up falling. So, he decided to crawl instead.

After a few minutes of crawling around, he felt something under his left hand. It was a watch. He fiddled with it, trying to find the watch face. It shouldn't have been so hard, except Jungkook's head was spinning, giving him a massive headache.

Once he found the face, he tapped it lightly. The screen lit up immediately and Jungkook's eyes widened. He knew that wallpaper. This was Taehyung's watch. That meant he was here.

"Tae!" Jungkook called out. "Taehyung, are you there?" No answer.

He wasn't there. Then where was he? He surely had been here, else his watch wouldn't be here. Him not being here could only mean one thing.

Jungkook's eyes widened as his mind put two and two together.

"No," he gasped, "No, no, no! No, this can't be happening. Please! No!"

Jungkook made no attempt to stop the tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Taehyung! You can't leave me!"

And for the first time since he found Jimin on the streets of London, Jungkook felt hopeless.

After a while, when he couldn't cry anymore, Jungkook lay on the ground, feeling numb. He wanted to curl into a ball and stay that way for all of eternity.

Suddenly, he felt a presence next to him. He couldn't see who it was because of the darkness.

"Who is it?" he said, sitting up.

It was a while before he got an answer.

"You aren't Taehyung." It was a girl's voice.

"Who-who are you? How do you know Taehyung?" Just the mention of his name threatened to spill tears again.

His companion made an exaggerated gasp. "He didn't tell you about me? I saved his life and this is what I get."

Immediately, Jungkook knew who he was talking to. The Ghost-girl. "You. Taehyung told me about you. Are you-"

"Ask questions later. The orders for Taehyung's execution came some time ago. Won't be long until yours do."

Although he already knew it, coming from the Ghost-girl, the words stung. He'd felt some hope when she first appeared before him. After all, she saved Taehyung once before, who's to say she couldn't do so again? There was something different about her aura. Her very presence radiated power. Needless to say, Jungkook's heart shattered as she said those words. "Tae's...dead?"

"I never said that, did I? I would have felt it if he died."

What does that mean? But Jungkook ignored the comment for now. All he cared about was Taehyung. He was alive. Jungkook hadn't failed him.

"So, why are you here? I mean, last time you came, you couldn't help Taehyung, so how are you going to help now?" Jungkook felt the urge to justify himself. Something about this girl screamed for respect. That one wrong move would end up with him blasted into smithereens.

Thankfully, the Ghost-girl wasn't bothered. "Desperate times require desperate measures," was all she said.

Without a warning, an entire section of the wall collapsed.

Jungkook shielded his eyes from the sudden outburst of light. "Thank you," he said before running outside.

He didn't have to run for long before he found Taehyung. Just as he turned round the corner, he saw him, curled up against the white wall, weeping.

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