Chapter 12- My ribs are dying

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"You guys, I'm bored," Jin whined.

"Tell me about it. I had to spend five years over here," said Yoongi, stifling a yawn.

"Should we watch a movie?" asked Namjoon, who was lying on the couch.

"Shut up, Namjoon," said Jin, "We watched movies the whole day. My eyes will burst if I watch one more."

"Then why don't you go into the kitchen and cook something? Me and Yoongi can watch another movie then."

"Yah! Namjoon, don't tell me what to do. I'm older than you," Jin paused, then his eyes went wide. "Did you hear that? I created a rhyme!" He started laughing, making the sound you get when you clean a window.

"Hey! Stop that!," said Yoongi, blocking his ears, "Else my ears will bleed."

Jin stopped laughing.

"God, I miss Soojin. At Least she laughed at my jokes, even if they were bad."

"Is that why you're dating her? Because she laughs at your jokes?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not! I'm dating her because I love her!"

Suddenly, they heard another voice. "H-hello?" Namjoon stood up. He knew that voice.

"Is- is anyone there?"

There was no questioning it. It was Jungkook. He was here.

"Pl-please, I-I need help!"

Namjoon looked at Jin with wide eyes. Jin had the same expression on his face. Jungkook sounded like he was crying.

"Please! My-my friend is dying!" Jungkook was definitely crying. Namjoon wasted no time. He ran towards the voice. When he reached there, he saw Jungkook leaning over an unconscious Jimin who was lying in a pool of blood.

Namjoon rushed to Jimin's side. Jungkook registered his arrival and looked a little shocked, but his focus was on Jimin.

"Namjoon, do something!" he pleaded.

Namjoon held Jimin's hand. There was still a pulse.

"Jin! We need your help! It's Jimin!"

"Jimin? I thought it was Jungkook-" Jin stopped in his tracks when he saw Jimin's unconscious body. His expression changed.


Jungkook and Namjoon obliged. Jin swiftly moved to Jimin's side and placed his hands on the latter's stomach. His hands started glowing pink. Jungkook gaped as Jimin's wound began to close. Jin was frowning with concentration.

Once the wound was closed, Jin sighed with relief, although he looked a little tired.

"He's going to be unconscious for a while," he said, wiping his forehead, which was beaded with sweat, "Yoongi, can you and Jungkook take him to a room? I'm going to get some water."

Jungkook looked shocked. "Yoongi?!?" he said, turning around. Indeed, Yoongi was standing behind him.

"Oh, my god! Yoongi! You're not dead!" he said, crushing Yoongi in a hug. "I'm so glad you're not dead! We never believed it!"

"Hey Jungkook, nice to see you too, but you're crushing my ribs," said Yoongi, patting Jungkook on the back.

Jungkook let him go. "Sorry, I'm just happy to see you again."

Yoongi smiled, "Feeling's mutual."

"Yoongi?!?" a squeaky voice said. Jimin had woken up "Am I dead? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

It was Namjoon who gave Jimin the answer to his question "The answer is none of the above."

Jimin turned around at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, my god! You're here as well!" He hugged Namjoon. "Oh, my god! I really can't believe this!"

"Jimin, you're awake?" Jin had returned from the kitchen. Jimin's expression turned bitter when he heard Jin.

"Yes," he said, "No thanks to you."

"Actually, it was me who healed you," said Jin. Jimin raised an eyebrow at this. "A simple thank you will do." added Jin.

"Thanks," Jimin sneered. "Yoongi, I'm tired. Can you tell me where I can sleep?"

Apparently, Jimin had figured out Yoongi had been living in the mansion.

"Yeah, sure," said Yoongi.

As soon as they were gone, Jin asked Jungkook, "How did he get hurt?"

Jin's question, or his overprotectiveness didn't surprise Jungkook.

"A monster attacked us. Jimin was supposed to distract it while I petrified it. But I was too late. The monster had already cut him." Jungkook looked at the ground sadly. "I'm sorry, Jin." he added.

Namjoon didn't understand why Jungkook was apologising to Jin.

"How were you going to petrify the monster?" he asked.

"Oh, Medusa's head," Jungkook replied.

Namjoon and Jin looked shocked.

"Medusa's head?!?" Jin asked. "Where'd you get that from?"

"She was one of the first monsters that attacked Jimin, and I saved him. From then on, we were together."

"Oh. So where is it now?"

"It's in Jimin's bag." Jungkook's eyes widened with realization. He cursed. "Jimin! Your bag!" he shouted and ran after him.


Once Medusa's head was safely stashed in a vault, Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon sat in the living room, chatting.

"So," said Jungkook, "What are your superpowers? I'm guessing Jin's is healing."

"That's right," said Jin, "And Namjoon has photographic memory, while Yoongi can turn invisible."

"That's so cool," Jungkook said.

Suddenly, they all heard a deep voice. "Is anyone there?"

Jungkook was the first one to react.

"Tae?" he said.

"Jungkookie? Is that you?"

"Yes!" cried Jungkook, and he ran in the voice's direction.

By the time Namjoon and the others caught up with Jungkook, he, and Taehyung were making out.

Jin and Namjoon weren't surprised, but Yoongi looked shocked. Jin looked at his expression and started laughing. "Guess that's one thing I forgot to tell you. You're not homophobic, are you?"

"No," said Yoongi, "Just surprised."

Namjoon coughed loudly, and the couple stopped kissing. Taehyung looked at each of them with wide eyes. When he saw Yoongi, his mouth dropped open.

"Yoongi!" he said, wrapping him in a hug. "You're alive!"

"Yah!" said Yoongi, now irritated. "You love birds have the same reaction or what? My ribs are dying."

Taehyung let Yoongi go. "So Jiminnie and Hobi are back home?" he asked.

"Jimin is here," said Namjoon, "He's resting. He got hurt badly. As for Hobi, we don't really know.

A/N- Phew! That was a long chapter. But who cares. I'm happy, you guys are happy, and my editors are happy! So it's a win-win situation. Also, Jimin's alive! And Tae is here as well! That leaves Hoseok. Will he be able to reach the mansion before the equinox? Don't forget to VOTE!💜💜💜

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