Chapter 21- We are going to get him back

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Yoongi woke up with a start. It sounded like something had hit the Inez. He was pretty sure the sound had woken up everybody.

Sure enough, Jin was sitting up, panting, next to him.

"What was that?" he asked.

"No idea, but it didn't sound good."

The two friends rushed outside. Namjoon and Hoseok, who were keeping watch, were on the deck, along with Jimin, who also seemed to have just woken up.

"What was that sound?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know," said Namjoon, "but it sounded like something attacked the hull."

Jin was about to say something when a gigantic shadow appeared. It was a two-hundred- foot-long serpent. Its body was as thick as a school bus, with wings sprouting, its eyes glowing yellow like a streetlight.

"That," said Hoseok, gulping with fear, "Is a drakon."

The drakon screeched and spat out a green liquid, which Yoongi was sure was poison.

"Duck!" he shouted at Hoseok, who rolled away just in time. The poison landed on the floor, which hissed and crumbled.

The drakon screeched again. "How in the world do we kill this thing?" Jin screamed over the noise.

"We need to-" The drakon fixed his lamp- like stare on Hoseok, making him stop speaking, an expression of pure terror on his face.

"Hoseok?" Jin shook the boy. "Hoseok! Jimin, what's wrong with him?"

Jimin scrunched his eyebrows. "The drakon, its stare can paralyze anyone it looks at."

"So how do we un-paralyze him?" asked Namjoon.

"I- I don't know."

"We have to kill it then." Namjoon massaged his temples with his hand. "Any ideas?"

Yoongi frowned and closed his eyes. He must have talked about something like this with Leah. She was full of information about things like this, kind of like Hoseok, except she knew more than him, since all her knowledge was not based entirely on the Percy Jackson series.

A memory hit him, and just like all the other memories about Leah, this one carried him away.

Thunk! Yoongi ducked just in time to avoid the knife Leah threw at him. They were sparring in the mansion's basement. Unlike Yoongi, who was just learning, Leah had been trained by her mother to fight, so naturally, she was teaching him.

"You're too slow," she said, "If you are facing a monster, you're dead meat."

"Hey, I survived the monsters that chased me till here." retorted Yoongi.

"They are nothing compared to the many more monsters in the realms. So, if you want to live, be fast."

"Fine," Yoongi groaned. "I have a question, though."


"Why do you always tell me to stab monsters' eyes first?"

Leah sighed. "When you stab a monster's eyes, you take away its most relied sense: its sight. This gives you an advantage, as it can't see you."

"But it can't see me anyway, I can be invisible, remember?" He went invisible to prove his point.

Leah rolled her eyes as he turned visible again. "Yeah, but it can still see me. We're a team, remember? Plus, many monsters' weaknesses are their eyes. Take the drakon, for example. Stab the eyes with enough force, and its dead."

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