Chapter 12

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Gally stared at you with sympathetic eyes. "You're sure they said that?"

"Yep. They said I was the last experiment." You respond.

Gally squints at the ground. "So... You just... Remembered? Out of the blue?"
"Yeah, I guess. I concentrated really hard and it just came to me." You blurt out.
"That's amazing. Uh, so... What do you wanna do?"
"Did you tell the gladers to start preparing all the things we need?" You ask.
"Yes. All taken care of." He smirks.
"What?" You tease and pull his little ear.
"You're just so cute when you're serious." He says, then wraps his arms around you and gives you a slow, passionate kiss on the lips. You kiss back as you feel alive. It just gives you a feeling and sense of happiness and thrill.
"Break it up, you shuckin' love birds." Newt says, clearly annoyed. You and Gally look up and your hands tingle and your throat asks for water.
"What'd ya need?" You ask.
"Just for you guys to cut it out. Its making me sick." Newt says in disgust.
"Fine. We'll get a room." Gally says. You blush. Is he for real right now?
Newt rolls his eyes and smiles. "Just knock it off, ok? We've got some more serious things to talk about. Follow me." He walks to the middle of the glade. Minho and Thomas are laying on the ground with the sun pounding in their tired faces.

"What's wrong with them?" You ask, concerened.
Newt says, "When they came back from the maze, they fell on the ground. They say that they both fell real hard from running real fast. They almost didn't make it back."
"So, are their legs... Broken or something?" Gally asks.
"No. I had Clint take a look at their legs. He says their just severely bruised, but it'll take a day or two before they can run good again." In the corner of your eye you can see Thomas sit ting up and grabbing his leg. He lays down again. Your hands stop tingling.
"Shouldn't you, like, put them somewhere else? Not the middle of the glade?" You blurt out.
"Yes. I'm so glad you came, because without you, nobody here would have ever thought that." Newt snaps.
"Geez, I was just trying to help," You say, a bit hurt.
"Gally, you carry Minho. Me and Y/N will carry Thomas." Why does Gally carry Minho by himself? I don't know, maybe it's because he's a builder and he's strong. DUH.

You grab Thomas's feet (which smell like a skunk who eat too much egg salad and then swam in some trash.) and Newt grabs his arms. You finally place them down inside. You arms burn. Man, you really need to get in shape! "They should rest here for a little while. Now let's get back to work. The gladers are working hard to prepare, and we should too." Newt says, and slaps Gally on the back. Gally whispers in your ear, "Aw. After this I wanted to cuddle. Guess not." You chuckle. Cuddling sounds nice right about now.

When you get out side you decide to make yourself useful and finish up a project you started making a while ago. You know, making your weapon to use for the grievers. But, why would Gally want you to make it when they're sent in the box? Did he want you to be a builder? Nah.
But when you look at it, it's actually pretty good. You guess it's actually useful because it's thicker than your average pointy stick. Then it can't snap as easily. Smart one, that Gally. You pull some more strings and tie some more knots. You sharpen the end some more and viola! A pretty fine looking griever stabber. But you're not exactly excited to get to use it. When you do, let's just say you won't be in a very nice situation.

As you admire it, you can hear a faint crying somewhere. You put down your weapon and follow the sound. You go into the woods and your feet crunch on the leaves. It's Jeffery. He's in the woods, sitting behind a tree.

"Jefferey? What's wrong?" He turns to you, his eyes are bloodshot and his cheeks shiny from the tears.
"Please don't tell anyone I'm crying. I don't want them to think I'm weak." His voice wobbles.
You sit next to him. "I won't tell them. We're all a little weak sometimes."
"Promise?" He says.
"Promise. Now what's wrong?" You ask.
"I'm just scared, that's all. I'm not cut out for this. I don't belong. I just want to get home, where ever that is." He says quickly. You say,"I don't belong either. I'm the only girl. I feel like an outcast. I guess you can say I'm scared too."
"I wish they had some TVs here. That would be awesome." He says.
"Same here. Then we can forget about all of this for a little while. It's so wrong that someone would do this to a bunch of kids." You think of Chuck. "But, we gotta be brave for now. When we get back, our families will be proud." You say.
"Yeah, I guess so. But this stinks. Like a pile of klunk." He laughs. Much better. It's pretty funny to see the greenie use glader terms.
You both stand and walk back to the glade.

Even though you just totally feel good from helping Jeffrey, you can't help from feeling the pain in your stomach. The feeling of dread. They said you were the last experiment. What could that even mean? This is all an experiment? And why were you the last? That's totally not fair. Wait, it's not fair that you stay alive? But why you? None of this sounds good. Nothing can really prepare you for what's going to come in the future. At least, that's what it feels like.
You go to get some water, waiting to talk to Gally.
You sip the cold water, and drink more and more, each sip more satisfying than the last. You put the cup down, and you hear the alarms. There's gonna be a new greenie.
Everyone in the glade rushes to the box. It opens, and you can hardly believe your own eyes. Everybody stares in shock. They thought you had been the last. In the box lay a girl.

I seriously cannot believe that this fanfic has got 3k reads. That is just insane. You know I always thought that this book sucked and was a pile of klunk.
I'm just so excited because in discover when you type in "gally fanfic" my book comes fifth! Thanks for putting my shucky book there! :)

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