After a week, you go over to where the supplies are sent up. Gally holds your hand. "Whatever happens, I'm here for you, Y/N." You give a crooked smile as you walk over. He's a bit close to you. You casually move over but he leans in closer to you.
You scan all the supplies. You can't tell if you're relieved or worried when you only see 3 metal buckets. You stare at them without saying a word. Your mouth drops open.
"There's only 3 buckets Gally."
"Yeah. I can see that."
"What are we supossed to do now?" You ask.
Gally responds, "maybe we can still use them. And we could try using some wooden ones. You know, we have had some of the rain before. If it rains for more than 30 minutes all the wood starts to burn."
"So you're saying that if we get to the Griever hole in 30 minutes we can use them?! You think that?!" A feeling of hope returns to you.
"I don't think it. I know it." He grabs your hand and gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek. As he walks away, your cheek feels tingly and you can't help but smile. In the distance you can see Gally talking to the builders. After they all scatter out he looks back at you. You quickly turn away. Did he just catch you staring at him? Oops...
You decide to sit on the grass and relax. Well, at least try to. Its kind of hard to relax when you know your gonna come in contact with some ugly half - spider half - machine thing that wants to rip your brains out.
Thomas sits next to you. He asks, "so, how did you survive the maze?"
"How did you survive the maze?" You ask.
"I asked first." He demands.
"Well, there was a strange metal rod near by. I picked it up and stabbed the griever and then lightning hit the rod at electrocuted the Griever. Weird, right?" You explain.
"Uh... it doesn't rain, thunder or lighting in the glade..." he says. What?
"What do you mean? It rained when I was in the woods!" You say anxiously.
"Yeah. That was actually the first time it rained here. But the lighting... I don't know. It never rained but that one time." He says.
You gasp. This is just strange. "Maybe they wanted to keep me alive."
"You mean they creators? But why would they want to so desparetly keep you alive?" He questions.
It does make some sort of sense now. I mean, it isn't everyday in the glade where you just happen to find a metal rod and lightning sticks it. You try to concentrate hard, do you remember anything that explains this?
Minho calls Thomas. "Come on! We need your help!" He calls.
"Gotta go." Thomas says, then gets up and leaves.
You look up at the clear sky. Then you remember. One memory, one lonely memory, creeps up in your brain. Its a middle aged woman, in a room. She talking to another woman. Before the memory fades, she says: "We need to keep her alive. She'll be the last experiment."

||The Maze Runner||Gally fanfic
FanfictionThis is an imagine about gally and the maze runner. All rights of characters, (except some I made up) setting and story go to James dashner. In the second person POV, you'll find yourself in the glade with your true love, gally, finding ways to esca...