Gally stepped in front of you and pushes both of you against the wall. Your breathing heavily but trying not to. The griever walks past and neglects to notice you.
Then the hideous half-spider half-robot backs up and starts charging at you.
"Run!" Gally shrieks.
you and gally sprint for your lives, but you're not match for the griever. You pick up a metal rod from the ground, just in case.
The griever catches up with you. Gally looks terrified. You take the metal rod and stab the griever, and it shrieks with terror. At the same moment lightning stricks the rod, as you place it against the wall. It instantly kills the griever. It collapses in fury.
"Not bad for a greenie,huh?"
"Not bad. But you almost killed us."
"Yea. Sorry bout that."
"We need to get back to the glade."
"No! We need to find another clue! Things are changing!"
"It's not safe!"
Your very frustrated. Gally doesn't get it. You both run back, but something catches your eye. There is a hole in the ground. In that hole, lies the letter "o" carved on the bottom. A few turns later, another hole with the letter "n".
"What could this mean, gally?"
"Lets not make any conclusions yet greenie. I mean Y/N."
Then yet again some more turns later, lies another hole. With the letter "e".
You both reach the exit and wait for the doors to open.
"All the letters spell one." Says gally
"One what? Man, no one is very specific around here."
Gally chuckles. You can see it in his smile and his eyes that he wants to like you. But you can tell something's holding him back.
The doors open, an the entire glade population is waiting for you anxiously.
When they can see you, you and gally happily run back. Newt yells, "we thought we would loose a greenie just when we got one!"
"It's Y/N now."
"Welcome to the glade Y/N!" shouts chuck.
"So, did you guys find anything useful? Me and Minho found clues before you came. Anything useful?" Thomas adds.
"We found the letters "o", "n", and "e" buried In the ground. Either it says one or there's some really bad spellers."
"That spells one." Alby states.
"Yes genius."
"So what could it mean?" Asks Minho. "Did you face any grievers?"
That's it! You think.
"I think I know!" You blurt out.
Everyone looks at you.
Me and gally saw one griever none after that. That must mean there's only one griever, or only one is released every day."
"Brilliant!" Says newt.
You know what you need to do now. And it won't be easy.

||The Maze Runner||Gally fanfic
FanfictionThis is an imagine about gally and the maze runner. All rights of characters, (except some I made up) setting and story go to James dashner. In the second person POV, you'll find yourself in the glade with your true love, gally, finding ways to esca...