The Valley Is Deep Part 10.

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Marquise rode his bike over to Brighton home what's going on man where have you been doing lately. Oh, nothing looking after my sisters and going on trips with my father. Marquise said did your dad carry you to the black mansion yet and he said yes, did you enjoy them women in there. Yes, I did. How did you know about the black mansion? Our fathers took all the young men there to learn some experience before getting married by the time you get sixteen you will experience a Virgin girl and you will see what all the fuss is about. Marquise, I already know what the fuss is about good sexual intercourse. Marquise said yeah you are catching on now Brighton!
Marquise what high school are you going to? Riverson County Preparatory high ten miles away. What about you Brighton?
I am attending Riverton Bay Preparatory Academic High twenty miles away they accepted me because of my score on my exams and being on the honor roll throughout my whole elementary school. Marquise said when are we all going to hangout and Brighton said no, I am not. Either you come over here or I visit you but, no more hanging out for a while. Marquise said well, I will catch you later but, Brighton had to realize marquise had a negative influence over him so he had to speak up for himself.

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