The Valley Is Deep Part 14.

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Cassandra Abebe is the first wife of Josiah she remembered it like yesterday haven't even passed yet. She was seventeen-years-old she have not even kissed a boy before. Josiah walked by and gave her a flower and said how are you doing today?
"Cassandra said, I am doing fine."
He said where are you coming from. Cassandra said school...
Then Josiah said are you a junior or senior. Cassandra said Sir I am a senior. Josiah said what are your plans after high school. Well, I hope for someone very understanding to marry me and have children but, I do want to continue my education to work as a school teacher and help my husband with his business and help provide so all the responsibility will not be on him. Josiah said I truly like that a lot. Cassandra what do you feel the duties of a wife are?? I believe the duties of a wife are to let her husband know and feel as he is the head of the house, a wife should be submissive, a wife should know how to cook, clean, fold, iron, a wife should know how to please her husband in all ways, and never deny him sexual pleasure. A wife should be able to raise girls upright and know what is going on with the children at all times. Being disobedient towards a husband could lead to being disciplined, a wife should not go against her husband even if he has made a wrongful decision, talking to him in private is best but, never raising her voice or being disrespectful. Josiah said you are a correct young lady. Excuse me, sir, how do you know my name. Your father Emmanuel and I have worshiped at the temple together for many years since, I was around your age and you don't see me, because you are in a separate group when you worship for people in your age group right? Cassandra nodded with approval. Cassandra do you have a boyfriend? Cassandra said No sir. I need to ask you just a few more questions and that will be it. Are you sure? Well, yes sir. I want to go to prom but, my parents said I could go with my female friends but, not on a date. Cassandra said well sir it was nice to meet you but, I need to get home. For the next two months, Josiah was like a bee every Wednesday and Friday evening he would spend an hour or two with me. Then my father said my sweet Cassandra you have already met your husband that Allah has for you and right after high school you will join your husband. "Father, you choose him for me yes, I did with Allah's help." Cassandra knew not to challenge her father's authority with their religion involved... "What about attending college first?" You have spoken and he will not stand in your path to stop you from pursuing your career goals in becoming a school teacher.

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