The Valley Is Deep Part 18.

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Zaria Abebe is Josiah's fourth and final wife she came six months after Amara. Cassandra was more like a mother to them than a sister-wife she told every woman to stand in line with Josiah because she knew all too well about Josiah having to discipline them. Rumor has spoken that Cassandra only got disciplined five times by Josiah since they first got married. It was during the first three years that she married him and it was not a nice time. By the time Zaria came along Josiah was already set in his ways and he had a low tolerance for her behavior at times. Zaria was a sweetheart at times but, there were times when she would be stubborn and bullheaded and wanted Josiah to respect what she says but because she was raised to honor and be submissive towards her husband she realized that she didn't have a place to stand on with Josiah without getting knocked down. Because once he gets physical with her she feels some sort of way, there were times Zaria denied Josiah sex because she was angry 😠 that he disciplined her. Then the beating got worse because Josiah don't force himself on no one. So, for three months Josiah did not touch Zaria he moved her to the guestroom for one month and Cassandra said you need to apologize before he divorced you. Zaria had a lot to lose. Zaria waited Josiah came in and she knelt and said I am sorry my husband I had no right to deny you sex for any reason. Josiah said get up off the floor Zaria.
This time I am telling you that I am wrong.
She was moved by her husband's actions and she begin to weep.
Josiah said I apologize but, you kicked me out of my sleeping quarters and you are treating me more like an outsider, I am your wife. Zaria, I already have all your belongings moved upstairs she said I am no longer on the first floor. She finally went 🙌 upstairs and she had so much space. There was a bathroom attached to her room. After her shower, she and Josiah enjoyed themselves like never before. Zaria became more submissive and she truly listen to Cassandra more.

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