The Valley is Deep Part 2

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Brighton was glad that he had his room in the huge mansion that his father had gotten for the whole family. Learning more about Muslim beliefs was unnatural because women didn't seem to have equal rights as men.
The twenty-first century was a decade away and viewing all his sisters and classmates in their thick colorful Islamic hooded hair wrap called a hijab and long dresses. He remembered how thick their clothes were. It was very hot but, it was their religion and Brighton was to make sure his sisters honored their religion.
Brighton knew what his job was concerning his sisters they could not talk to boys, only if it pertained to schoolwork and other assignments but, not being social in Brighton's presents.
At lunchtime, a Muslim girl had to separate herself from the rest of her class. Brighton attended a middle school where he had to be bused to school. His older brother and sisters attended that same school and he was always being compared to their accomplishments while attending school there. Brighton recalls a moment in eighth grade when a husky boy name Jed said your brother would have done better than you, it was an exam that Brighton studied hard and received a "C+".. Brighton balled up his fist in rage, and punched him in his mouth, then in his eye, finally Punching him in his jaw. Brighton then stood back and walked away.
Later, that day Brighton was suspended for the first time in his life. He always thought his father was nice. Brighton, father was a man who was admired by many. He picked Brighton up from school. Brighton remembers receiving maybe two spankings as a child. Brighton, father spoke gently to him. He drove by a neighborhood that looked like their old home, Brighton's father talked to him about doing better. He explained having pride and how violence isn't always the answer.
In a room that was on the lower level of the mansion home, Brighton's father talked to him and then disciplined him with a snakeskin leather belt. He told him to drop his pants down. Brighton remembers the latches of the belt going across his back and behind for about five to seven minutes.
When it was over Brighton remembers his father talking to him about being a man and conducting himself as a man. Brighton's father talked to him for nearly an hour before allowing him to soak in his room about being disciplined. An hour later, Brighton, father came to the door he came inside and they talked about his suspension from school, and how he had extra chores to do for two weeks while on punishment! Brighton, felt like he was living a nightmare.

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