The Valley Is Deep Part 3

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Brighton tried to bond with his biological mother but, his father kept him busy doing other things. It was strange that his father was the only one to give out orders in their household, Brighton felt like it wasn't right to be an owner over a human being. When he went to the Temple to worship and he would hear how one of the elders spoke about being a husband was not right. "Brighton stayed with his age group while worshipping his religion, his new best friend was a female from his school, her name is Michelle. My new best friend Michelle is also Muslim and my best friend Marquise had been friends for the past three years. Marquise said hi and he said why were you looking down. Brighton nodded his head and said I didn't like the way the elders were talking about pre-arranged marriage. "Marquise said it's no sweat off of your back, if your father and other father's agree to give their daughters up without their consent, it's the way our religion is supposed to be". Marquise, you would want four wives and not cheat on none of them?
Marquise, chuckled "I want a woman now and I am almost sixteen years old". Wow!... Marquise was two years older than Brighton. Marquise walked around the corner into another room and said, Brighton, you ever been with a woman before? Brighton looked confused then responded and said "Not sexual intercourse" but, have you ever allowed one of them, a girl, to perform fellatio on you? "Marquise, No!" Brighton, "You are almost going into high school and you are a man now & you need to feel a woman's touch". Brighton had four more months then he would be graduating from Junior high. Brighton understood what Marquise was saying but, he wanted to be different from other boys within his environment. Marquise said I have two girls who perform fellatio on me but at different times but, I cannot tell you; because if you say anything it will spoil their reputation, one girl is someone here and the other is someone, I attend school with. Marquise said you need to invite a female you like to one of our youth gatherings at our friend's Craig home. You will see and start to look at things clearer, not sexual intercourse yet, though. But, never discuss it with anyone Brighton.. then Marquise handed him something he never saw before a non-lubricated condom and two flavored condoms he said put these in your wallets. "Brighton was wondering what type of feeling could Marquise be talking about but, he kept to himself and still tried to talk with his mother when his father wasn't home."
He would ask her if she were happy with being with my father, and she said my father was a solid provider. By the time I was thirteen years old my mother had two more sets of twin children, they were twin girls then twin boys. My mother had three sets of twin children and one on the way individual children after that. I have an older sister who ran away at the age of seventeen years old so she could not be forced to be married. "Then my mother stopped bearing children, because she asked my father about her getting a tubal ligation surgery and she was allowed to attend school and work an actual job." My mother had ten children in all. Since twins were given away now, only eight children. Brighton was excited when his mother told him how she and other women would open up a hair shop to braid hair.
"My father was against it at first, until she explained how much money it would bring into the house per month." My father and the other husbands had one rule they could not do men hair...

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