The Valley Is Deep Part 25.

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Josiah have been home for a month now and Cassandra knew all to well that he was sleeping with Ada again to impregnate her. Cassandra and Adaliya both knew and seen Josiah sleep 💤 with Ada while she was unconscious. They were the closest sister wives out of all four wives. Cassandra knew all to well what would happen if she was caught by her husband lashing her tongue against him. It had been years since Josiah disciplined his wife Cassandra. Cassandra felt like that last beaten lasted a very long time. Cassandra accidentally mentioned something about another man's business and it angered the brother and his family stop coming to the mosque for two weeks. Cassandra had befriended a sister from the mosque and she gotten very close with her and the school where Cassandra works she knew her husband was talking with two women and one of them five months pregnant and the other one has a child a year old. one lady who is five months pregnant is a substitute teacher. The other teacher is a eighth grade history teacher. Cassandra saw her husband brother Franklin hug and kiss both women. Cassandra remembered like it was yesterday Josiah seemed like he taken her out to eat one night then he took her in the basement and before she knew it Josiah foot was on her throat and he beat her until she could no longer move any parts of her body. When she came to her conscious it was the next morning and she looked in the mirror she had a black eye, swollen jowl, bruises up and down her body she begin to be very much careful about what she said from that point on. Adaliya said Sister Cassandra where is Josiah oh, he's out with his boys. I have something to tell you the next morning after Ada came I saw Josiah having sexual intercourse with Ada. Yes, I know Sister Adaliya he was impregnating her to get more money. Adaliya looked and said so, Jamar paid his own brother. Sister Adaliya they are cousins but, they were raised as brothers. I thought having Zaria twin children was enough nope Josiah is planning on opening a Muslim mini mall in another year's time. He even mentioned going to visit his cousin next year also. Wow!!! Josiah and several other Muslim men going to open up at least five to seven businesses Muslim owned. Zaria may have to move her hair shop there also.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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