Chapter 17

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(Not edited)
3rd person POV
The smell of pasta filtered throughout the Cullen's house.
If they were human their mouths would have been watering like a waterfall.
Esme, Carlisle and Emmett were preparing the food while Rosalie was standing there, holding a bowl that Emmett made her hold.
"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie says out loud, not asking anybody in particular. "Her name is Bella" Emmett says before he began to chop the rest of the greens.
"Ou get a wiff of that"
"Here comes the human" Esme jokingly says before making her way toward the human and her son.
"Bella, we're making Italiano for you" The small women says while smiling, showing her perfect whit teeth.
"Oh mmm"  the awkward human says, while looking at all the vampires before her.
"Bella this is Esme my mother for all intensive purposes" Edward jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
"Buon Giorno?" Bella says to Esme in Italian
"Molto Bene!"
"You've given us an excuse to the use the kitchen for the first time" Carlisle says while smiling at Bella.
"I hope you're hungry"
"Yea absolutely"
"She already ate" Edward says, causing Rosalie to break the glass bowl she was holding. "Perfect" the blonde haired women says, her tone laced with anger and hatred.
Bella immediately became defensive, hoping she didn't piss off a vampire "Yea.....I, it's just that I know you guys don't eat so...."
"Of course, that's very considerate of you" Esme says, slightly sad.
Her mate feels this and quickly rushes to her side hoping to comfort her in anyway he can.
"Just ignore Rosalie, I do"
"Yea let's just keep Pretending that this isn't dangerous for any of us"
"I would never tell anybody, anything"
"She knows that" Carlisle says
"Yea, well he problem is that you two have become public now" Emmett laughs while rubbing his mate arm, trying to comfort her.
"Emmett-" Esme try's to say
"No she should know, the entire family will be explicated if this ends badly" Rosalie says while walking closer to Bella in a threading manner.
" badly as in I'll be in the meal"
Everybody just laughs at that.
"Hi Bella I'm Alice" the small girl said before hugging the fragile human.
"You do smell good"
"Alice what are you...."
"It's okay, me and Bella will be best friends." The girls smile at each other.
"Bella this is Owen, my mate, Owen this is Bella as you know." Alice says while clinging onto the tall red haired man.
"Hello" he smiles
Bella just nods and looks for the last family members, Daisy and Jasper
Just as she thought that two figures jump onto a branch that was laying on the balcony of the kitchen.
The beautiful brunette, Daisy and the tall blonde Jasper
They stood the farthest away and were wrapped in each other's arms.
Bella's eyebrows scrunched in confusion as to why they haven't introduced theirselves.
Somebody cleared their throat which grabbed Bella's attention.
"You'll have to forgive Jasper and Daisy, their newer and still adjusting to our diet"
"It's ok they won't hurt her" Alice smiled encouragingly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you" Jasper chokes out before turning and burrowing his face in his mates hair.
His mate on the other hand didn't say anything, she just brought her hand to Jaspers golden locks and brushed through them with her skinny, white fingers    While glaring at the human that caused her mate pain.
"Ok.....I'm going to take her in a tour of the house" Edward said uncomfortably.
Everybody just nodded their heads while Alice said "it was nice meeting you!"
"I think that went well" Carlisle said
"Yea, clean that up now" Esme said to Rosalie who glared at her.
Emmet crouched down to help her, while Esme and Carlisle put the food in containers for Bella whenever she's hungry, and Daisy and Jasper went to their bedroom and laid next to one another while gently kissing each other. 

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