Chapter 9

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Bella's POV
After the incident in the parking lot I've been having crazy nightmare. Some are of me dying, some of mom or Charlie.....
But I try not to dwell on them because, they aren't real, or so I think.
Once again I wake up from a nightmare, but this one was of a certain copper haired boy.
This was the first night I've dreamt of Edward Cullen
I get up and get dress and walk down stairs for breakfast.
I smear cream cheese on a bagel and head to my truck. I try to not to fall on the wet ground which causes me to take 2 minutes to even get into my truck.
I pull in to the school parking lot and lean against my truck.
The memories from the accident flash in my mind.
The hand print
It all wasn't adding up, I know he wasn't near me. But somehow he got over here so fast.
There's something he isn't telling me and I will find out.
I look up and see the one and only Cullen family walking to the bus.
My eyes scam over each member in wonder.
"Look at you're alive" mike says in a funny voice. It does manage to put a smirk on my face though. But I keep my eyes on the pale mysterious boy behind him.
"Yeah well, false alarm I guess" I snick, "hey I was wondering if uh you would want uh, it's like a month away but would-would you want to go to prom ...with me?" He asks in a nervous tone.
I was completely unfazed by him, I wasn't interested in mike and probably never will. Jessica is literally obsessed with him, I don't know why he didn't ask her instead.
"So what do- what do you think?" He asks
"About what" I ask trying to play dumb, but also hoping he gets the hint.
"Do you want to go, to prom....with me?" He says
"Oh I uh prom....dancing.....not such a good idea for me" I laugh hoping to break the tension.
When he doesn't say anything I continue
"Uh, I have something that weekend anyway, I'm-im going to Jacksonville that weekend"
"Y-you can't go another week end?" He stutters, I can tell the little confidence he had is now gone.
"Not ig o want to use this ticket" I lie. Of course I could go another weekend but he doesn't need to know that.
"You should ask Jessica, I know she wants to go with you" I say
He looks over at Jessica, she just smiles and waves at him.
"Ok" he whispers to me then leaves.
"Yo yo yo yo guys come on gotta go gotta go, green is what good" our teacher yells in a happy voice.
Everybody gets onto their bus and heads to the green house.
"Compost is cool!" Our teacher yells as Eric messes with a big tank of compost.
We just walk by and listen to them bicker.
"Shove it in there" he grunts while pressing down on the compost trying to get all the liquid out.
Everybody walks side by side in the crammed green house.
Somehow me and Edward ended up walking next to each other, and Daisy and Jasper in front of us.
They laugh and talk with their arms conjoined, and Daisy fiddles with the flower Jasper picked for her.
The awkward silence between me and Edward was very think. You could probably cut a knife with it. But thankfully he breaks it by saying "what's in Jacksonville"
That's even weirder, is he stalking me or something?
"How do you know about that?" I ask instead of answering his question.
"I- you didn't answer my question" he grumbles
"Well you don't answer any of mine so....I mean you don't even say hi to me" I reply.
As I wait for him to respond I shove my hands into my pockets and keep my head down.
"Are you gonna tell me how you stopped the van?" I ask for what seems like the one hundredth time.
"Yea, I had an adrenaline rush, it's very common you can Google it" he try to tell me.
But I know it's a lie, even somebody with adrenaline couldn't run across the parking lot in less that 2 seconds and stop a moving van with their hand.
I just shake my head, "fluorescents that what's it Jacksonville-" I say before slipping in the wet ground. Jus as I was about to fall on my butt I feel large hands grip my upper arms, making me steady.
I look to my side and see Edward looking enraged and I accident.
"Well you at least watch where you walk?" He sneers as he lets go of my arm.
I just stand there and stare at him in disbelief.
"Look I'm-I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time but I just think it's the best way...-"
"Bella" a high pitched voice calls. Just then Jessica runs up to me with a smile on her face.
"Guess who just asked me to prom" she asks.
I look at Edward as he starts to walk away.
"Um yeah, I totally thought mike would ask you um it's not gonna be weird though right?" She asks while fiddling with her hands.
"No zero weirdness you guys look great together" I state
"I know right" she say before skipping out of the greenhouse.
I continue to walk to the exit and put my jacket back on and head to the busses.
While I walk there I see Eric fling worms as people and chase them with it.
"Ooh, Bella look it's a worm, it's a worm" he laughs while dangling it in front of my face.
I frown in disgust and keep walking. I then hear loud foot step behind me so I look over my shoulder and see Edward Cullen once again.
"Bella we shouldn't be friends" he says out of the blue.
"You really should have figured that out a little earlier" I sneer "You know why didn't you just let the van crush me and save your self all this regret"
"You think I regret saving you?" He asks in a low voice, almost hurt by my words.
"I can see that you do I just, I uh"
"You don't know anything" he says before Alice, Owen, Jasper and Daisy approach us.
"Hi, will you be riding with us?" Alice asks in a high pitch but happy voice.
"No our bus is already full" Edward says as he knocks on the busses door and gets in, followed by Daisy then Jasper the Owen and lastly Alice who gives me a sympathetic smile before getting into the bus.
I just stand there and watch the bus leave the lot.

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