Chapter 4

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Bella's POV
I head to my biology class in building two.
It took me nine minutes to find the right classroom since I didn't want to ask anybody for directions. Now that I think about it, I should have asked for directions since I'm now late.
I walk into the freezing classroom and immediately feel eyes on me so I awkwardly smile before looking at the ground.
I walk past the fan, which sends shivers up my spine. I feel a pair of lingering eyes on me so I look up from the ground and look for the source.
My eyes land on the same boy from the cafeteria. His golden eyes look into my soul, he looks almost angry for some reason.
Just then my hair blows in front of my face because of the wind created by the fan.
The boy covers his nose as if I stink. I don't know why I would stink, I took a shower last night with my strawberry shampoo.
My slight smirk falters and my eyebrows draw together in confusion. Maybe it was somebody else. No it definitely wasn't anybody else.
My mind tells me.
"Hi, your voice pass?" The teacher asks. He's a tall dark haired man probably in his late thirties.
I hand my pass to him, "thank you, we're in the middle of class, here's your stuff and ah....I've got a seat right here for yeah, yup right there"
The seat being right next to the copper haired boy that seemed repulsed by my presence.
But I sit next to him anyways, deciding not to put up a fight. I put my bag next to my chair, closest to the aisle and my book on the table.
The teacher talks about what we're going to be doing in class today as he passes out some type of clear liquid in tiny glass containers.
With his nose still covered the boy pushes over my container and slides his over to his side of the table. He uncovers his nose but looked as if he was in disgusted.
I look on my opposite side and smell my hair, which still smells like strawberries and coconuts.
I look over at him and scrunch my eyebrows. He looked back at me with the same disgusted facial expression as before. We hold eye contact for a while before he breaks it off but he looks back at me. He looks like he's contemplating something with his eyebrows twitching and his hands fidgeting by his sides.
I look away trying to focus on what the teacher had been saying. But I can't when I feel his eyes still on me.
He's already out of his seat before the bell even rings.
I sit there stunned before I grab my things and head to the office to turn in my slip. When I get to the office I see a familiar shirt and immediately know who it was.
"There must be something else physics, bio cem?" He suggests. "No honey every class is full" the women behind the desks says. "Just a minute dear" the lady says when she hears the door open. "I'm afraid you'll just have to stay in biology" she says softly while looking at the boys face searching for any sign of displease.
The boy looks behind him and at me. "Fine" he says as he gathers his things. "I'll just have to endorse it" he snickers before opening the door and leaving. I watch as he disappears into the crowded hallway full of young high schoolers.
I turn in my pass and head to the parking lot ready to leave and go home. While I walk to my truck I see three flashy cars and seven beautiful people.
The Cullens
The short haired girl, ginger and copper haired boy get into the silver Volvo, then the blonde girl and big brown haired guy get into the red BMW and lastly the curly haired girl and blonde boy get into the black Audi then leave.
I convince my feet to start walking again and head to my truck. I get in and head to the diner Charlie wanted to eat at.
I pull up to the diner and see that Charlie's car is already there so I get out and head inside. When I open the door a bell rings from above me and the smell of cinnamon instantly fills my nostrils. I look around for Charlie and spot him at a corner booth waiting for me with a steak in front of him.
"Sorry I'm a little late, had to go to the office and turn in some papers" I say. He smiles and says "it's okay, I got you a burger and salad" "you like salad right?" He asks. "Yea" I nod and wait in comfortable silence until our food arrives.
They waitress is a beautiful women's with caramel skin and curly black hair. Her smile is warm and friendly. She sits out food down and says " I just can't get over how grown up you are." "And so gorgeous" she adds.
"Thank you" I shyly say.
A man then walks up behind her and says "hey Bella, you remember me?" I look over to Charlie not knowing who the man was. He must have saw the confusion on my face. "I played Santa one year" he elaborates.
"Yea Waylon she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four" Charlie says. "Yea well I made a impression didn't I" he questions. "Butt crack Santa" the waitress jokes. Causing us to laugh. "Hey kids love those little bottles though" he defends. "Alright let the girl eat her garden burger Waylon" she says turning him around and pointing him in a random direction.
"As soon as you're done I'll bring you your favorite, berry cobbler remember?" She says while leaning over the table. "Your dad still has it, every Thursday" "thank you, you're great" I thank her as she walks away, about to serve somebody else.
"Dad? Do you know the Cullens?" I ask out of curiosity.
He raises an eyebrow at me "yes, I've met Carlisle and his family, very nice people why?" He questions. "They're kind of.....different" I reply while looking at him waiting for him to reply. "Him and his family are very close and reserved. Dr.Cullen is a great doctor we're lucky to have him. And for his kids they never get in trouble or cause problems. They'd very well behaved and polite. So I wouldn't be so quick to judge them" I process the words he said and the fact that those are the most words he's said to me the whole time I've been here. "You're right" I sigh, we just continue eating the leave to head home.

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