Chapter 18

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3rd person POV
(Daisys outfit)

"Does she have to come?, it's not like she can even play" Daisy sneers from her spot on a tree branch

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"Does she have to come?, it's not like she can even play" Daisy sneers from her spot on a tree branch.
They were currently on the field waiting for Edward and Bella to arrive.
"Yes Daisy, she's Edward's mate" Carlisle says calmly while he lays all the bats and baseballs out, so they're ready for use.
Daisy rolls her eyes and let's out an unnecessary sigh, "Whatever"
Everybody meets in the center of the field when they hear Edward pull up.
"Is she going to be the umpire or something since she can't play?" Rosalie asks with genuine disgust.
"She can't even walk without falling on her ass" she continues, causing Daisy and Emmett to laugh which they soon coverup as a "cough" when Edward sent them a death glare.
Jasper saw this and wrapped his arm around his mate. Truth be told, he wasn't too thrilled about the humans appearance either. He's surrounded by humans all day, if he has the opportunity to not be near the creatures he'll take it. Not just for his safety but also for the humans and his family's.
But Edward didn't seem to care about how his adopted brother felt and that pissed him off.
Everybody watches as Bella and Edward barley make their way to them since Bella tends to drag her feet and almost fall on her face.
Carlisle and Rosalie were deciding who would bat first. Ultimately Rosalie won and was already at the home base waiting for everybody to get started.
Emmett, Owen and Edward headed to the outfield while Daisy and Jasper waited behind Rose for their turn to bat.
Carlisle stood ready if anybody needed an extra bat or baseball, Esme crouched down behind Rose and took her place as the catcher and Bella stood behind Esme as the umpire since they apparently "cheat".
"We do not cheat do we Daisy?" Emmett yells from across the field with a big smile on his face.
For a big guy you would expect him to be all mean and grouchy but Emmett was the complete opposite he was a big teddy bear and the sweetest person you'd ever meet.
"No sir, we do not" Daisy laughs
Jasper just smirks down at his mate and presses a kiss to her temple.
"It's time" Alice says before throwing the ball at lightning speed towards Rose.
As soon as the ball hits Rosalies bat thunder growls.
The ball goes flying and so does Rosalie.
"Now I see why you need the thunder, that's gotta be a home run right?" Bella asks.
She watches as Rose runs at the speed of lightning, "Edward's very fast" is all Esme says.
Everybody watches as Edward runs into the forest to retrieve the ball.
Jasper and Daisy practice with their bats while waiting, ready to bat next.
Not even 3 seconds later the ball comes hurtling towards Bella, Esme quickly catches the ball and touches it to the base the same time Rosalie slides to the base.
"You're out" Bella says
"Out woo" Emmett hollers
Rose angrily stands up and makes sure to shoulder check Bella while walking by.
"Babe come on it's just a game"
"Avenge me?" Rosalie asks Daisy as she walks by.
"Of course" she whisper before giving Jasper a rough kiss on the lips, "don't miss me for too long" she whispers seductively into his ear.
He just smirks at her before patting her bum affectionately.
She walks up to the plate and positions herself. She smirks at Edward and Emmett before hitting the ball with all her force and starts running as fast as she could.
The ball landed all the way past the tree line, by the time they found the ball she was all ready standing at the home base with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face.
They just shake their heads as she turns away and flips her short hair over her shoulder. Her smirk slightly falters when she sees Bella once again staring at her, but this time her mouth is hanging open.
Daisy just raises an eyebrow and walks past her mate while he's heading for his turn to hit the ball.
Their eyes lock as they slip past each other, and in their positions.
Alice pitches the ball and Jasper hits the ball so hard the bat almost breaks, he drops the bat and starts running.
The ball heads straight for a tree so Emmett quickly climbs it and throws the ball.
"My monkey man" Rosalie says while smiling at her mate.
Unfortunately for Emmett's team Jasper was already at home base hugging an excited Daisy who was holding onto him like a koala.
Alice then pitches to Rosalie again. She hits the ball harder this time, hoping not to get "out" again.

But then.........

"Stop!" Alice yells, suddenly her happy and joyous face turns into an alert and worried face.
Everybody rushes together when they see three figures emerging from the fog that was covering the forest.
"They were leaving but they heard us" Alice says to the family.
"Let's go" Edward says to Bella as he grabs her by the arm and starts to walk back to his car.
"It's too late" Carlisle says.
Though Carlisle was right Edward was still aggravated with himself for putting Bella in the situation in the first place.
"Get your hair down" Edward says to Bella in a almost inaudible level.
"Like that'll help, I can smell her from across the field" Rosalie hisses
Edward pays no attention to her, to focused about Bella's safety.
The three figures are more visible now. The one on the left was a pale women with bright red hair and freckles, she wore jeans, a fur coat and no shoes.
The pale man on the right had blonde hair that was in a bun, and blonde stubble on his face. He wore dark jeans and a dark leather jacket with straps that went across his torso.
And lastly the dark skinned man in the middle had long black hair and wore tan colored jacket that was open and unzipped.
They all had one similar feature.

Red eyes.

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