Chapter 8

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Jasper's POV
We all stand by our cars and wait for Emmett to get out of gym. Ever since Edward has came back he has yet to apologize to Daisy.
Emmett finally comes out and walks over to Rosalie. All of a sudden we hear screeches coming from somebody's car. When the car comes into view we see a dark blue van slipping on ice. It was about to crash into a faded red truck but it gets stoped.
We then see Edward holding a human and his hand indent in the van.
Our families emotions are mostly angry except for Alice, she new it was coming and felt guilty.
I angrily close mine and Daisy's umbrella and open her door once she gets in I slam it shut and go to the drivers side, start the car and head home for a much needed discussion.
We pull into the garage and head to the living room, where Alice, Owen, and Emmett already are. Everybody sits next to their mate and Emmett plays his Xbox since Rosalie is probably chewing Edward out for being so careless.
Our ears perk up when we hear the crunching of gravel and a engine. We immediately know it's Edwards Volvo and Carlisle's Mercedes. The sound of footsteps echo throughout the house.
Then in the doorway stands Edward, with his hands in his pockets acting so careless but deep down he knows he's in deep shit.
Owen decides to break the silence by saying "Have you lost your mind?"
But before he could answer Rosalie walks in and says "Owen's right, you have lost your mind. First you attack Daisy.." I look over to Daisy and see her looking down at her fidgeting hands.
"Then you leave to Alaska.." she continues, "and today you could have exposed us and all of this for a human" she shakes her head at his foolishness.
"What even provoked you to attack Daisy anyways man? She didn't even do anything" Emmett asks from beside Rosalie.
Edward just sneers at Daisy, he's directing anger towards her.
"Daisy why don't you tell them" Edward suggests with slight irritation in his tone.
Daisy looks up from her hands and looks at everybody in the room watching her.
"I'm pretty sure he asked you what happened Edward" Daisy snaps. Causing Edward to stand up straighter feeling more angry. If it could, his face would be bright red.
He starts walking towards Daisy aggressively but before he could even get in arms distance of her I stand in front of her sitting form.
Our family watches with wide eyes at the interaction but I could care less.
I could feel The Major trying to make a appearance.
"You need to back up" I coldly say while standing my ground.
"Your little mate isn't so innocent" Edward says which makes everybody turn their head to the side, is a confused manner.
"Oh she didn't tell you?" He laughs, making everybody even more confused.
"Whatever it is, it doesn't mean you just get to attack Daisy" Emmett says through gritted teeth.
"She wanted to kill Bella" he says, "that doesn't mean I was going to you idiot!" Daisy defends. "I-" Edward manages to get out before I interrupt him. "YOU ATTACKED HER FOR HAVING A OPINION ON YOURE LITTLE BLOOD SINGER!" I yell out of anger.
I doubt Daisy was really going to kill her. She doesn't really enjoy killing other people, like I do. It brings up too much memories.

"Again" the Hispanic women ordered, while watching me rip newborns apart piece by piece.
I rip apart a young boy, which I've learned is names Lucas. He can't be older than 15, way to young to die.
His screams echo in the old barn were in.
I look at the woman through the strands of my hair and see her staring at me, waiting for any emotion to wash over my face.
I don't give her the satisfaction of seeing my shield down, I'm The Major right now and no body can break me......exempt for one woman, my wife.
Daisy's POV
"I DON'T CARE HOW OLD HE IS KILL HIM OR I WILL" the woman yells at me.
I was tired of killing all of these innocent people. "I am not going t-" I start to say but stop when I feel a slap against my cheek. I look up from where my head had adjusted and see Maria fuming. I almost thought smoke had come out of her ears.
"You will kill him" she tries again.
I look her dead in the eyes and say "go fuck your self, nice and hard".
I almost smirk at her facial expression but before I could I was on the ground, on my back having punches thrown to my face.
I buck my hips, throwing her off and get up. I grab the handle of the barn and rip it open, I was greeted with around seventeen newborn vampires and my mate.
I was about to run to him but somebody grabs my shoulder, turns me around and grabs a chin o of my hair and connects my face to their knee. I grab the hand that was in my hair and twist until I hear a sickening crunch.
The hand then lets go of my hair and I take the opportunity to punch her in the face repeatedly until she stops moving.
I'm over whelmed with happiness, thinking she was dead. Until she kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying into a tree.
The tree splits in half from the compact of my body hitting it. I stand up and run over the Maria and slam her body onto the ground. I grab the sides of her head and start to pull upwards, towards the sky. I hear the sound of her head about to disconnect from her solders, it sounds almost like new squeaky shoes walking on the floor.
Her arms whip around like crazy trying to remove my hands from her head. But I don't let go, not even for a second until with one last pull her head comes clean off.
Jasper's POV
My hands tighten into fists from anger. My eye twitches a little, and my chest puffs out a little more. "FUCK YOU" Daisy screams before storming out and slamming the door, she slammed it so hard some of the screws came out but no body was worried about the door right now.
Everybody slowly turns toward Edward and glances between me and him. Like they were waiting for something to happen.
Mate is upset. We must help mate.
The Major says, he's saddened he can feel Rey's heartbreak.
Rey is Daisy's alter ego, she's more scandalous than Rey, she and the Major are mates just like me and Daisy.
But the Major is right we must help our mate. They need our help.
I walk over to Edward nice and slowly and punch him in the face, nice and hard. It sends him flying threw the wall and into the hallway.
I walk to the balcony and jump over it and search for my wife.
After about 45 minutes of looking I come across a waterfall and hear whimpering. I immediately know who it is.
So, I walk over to the waterfall and see Daisy in the water with her back facing me.
The early sun makes her skin sparkle like diamonds. She's truly magnificent.
She turns her head slightly to the side and look over her shoulder at me. She gives me a breath taking smile that shows all her pearly whites.
I stand at the water and wait until she's done. I shove my hands in my pockets while I rock back and forth.
"You know, you could just get in" her sensual voice says.
"I'm fine honey" I respond.
She just shrugs and dives underwater and disappears. She then pops up in front of me with just her head above the water. She then spits water at me and laughs.
I just shake my head, squat down and lean over and place a kiss on her soft lips.
She breaks off the kiss and starts to walk out of the water. I quickly notice that she is indeed naked. Her body is exquisite. She has a tiny waist, perky breasts, round hip, a full bum, and flat tummy. But no matter what she looked like I would still love her.
I hear the leaves crunch under her feet as she walks towards me. Her arms circle around my neck and pull me down to her lips.
I rest my hands on her hips and squeeze, making her halt her actions.
"Are you ok?" I ask in her ear.
"Yes" she replies almost too quickly.
"Are you sure?" I ask again, not buying what she said.
"D-do you think of me as a murder?" She asks me with with a cracky voice.
"No" I say as I dab the venom building up in her eyes.
"Ok, that's all that matters" she whispers while clutching onto my shirt.
"I love you" I say
"Mm love you too" she murmurs into my shoulder
"Come on pretty girl let's get you dressed" I say while pickling up her clothes.
"Arms" I say as I begin to put her button up blouse back on her.
"I squat down and wipe off the dirt on her feet and lift one leg at a time and slide her slacks back on. Lastly I grab her heels and grab her hand and start walking back home.
I'm glad she feel secure and calm, just like I wanted her to be.

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