Chapter 11

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Bella's POV
I get up from my table and head to the salad bar, even though I've been going to this school for a little bit people still stare at me.
I grab one of the tiny wooden bowels and start to assemble my salad.
Would you even call it a salad?
I didn't put dressing or lettuce on it, so I guess it's just a veggie bowl.
Somebody's voice startles me out of my concentration causing me to drop my apple.
I watch my apple bounce off of a shiny dress shoe and into their pale hands.
My eyes travel to the familiar face of Edward Cullen.
"Edible art, Bella?"
He holds out his hands to give me the apple which I accept.
"Thanks" I say
"You know your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash" I joke as I walk to the other side of the bar.
I can feel that he's watching and following me.
"I only said it would be better it'll we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be" he states
"Wheat does that me?"
"It means, if you were smart you'd stay away from me"
"Well let's say for arguments sake that I'm not smart, would you tell me the truth?" I ask
"No probably not, I'd rather hear your theories"
I look over and see Mike and Jessica ushering me to hurry up.
"I-I've considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite"
"It's all superhero stuff right um what if I'm the bad guy?"
"You're not, I can see what you're trying to put off but I can see that it's just to keep people away from you, it's a mask."
He just stares at me like he's confused or contemplating something but doesn't say it.
"Why don't we just hang out?" I invite, dead serious.
He just snickers in my face.
"Everybody's going to the beach, come I mean have fun" I say
"Which beach?" He asks like it matters.
"La push"
"No no no, just......"
"Is there something wrong with that beach?" I ask concerned.
"It's just a little crowded"
The weekend
The beach was anything but crowded. It was the most empty beach I've ever seen.
I couldn't blame the people that don't want to come, it extremely cold and wet.
2 things I don't like.
Everybody's getting their wet suits on and slicking up their boards for the waves.
Me and Angela just sit in the van and observe, neither of us want to get wet and freeze the death.
"I don't know if it's worth it anymore" Eric says
"We drove all the way out here" Jessica says
"So I keep things Eric's going to ask me to prom but he just....doesn't" Angela whispers to me from the passenger seat of the van.
"Well you should ask him, take control you're a strong independent women" I say sincerely
"I am?" She asks
"Yes" I says boldly so she gets the point.
I look up and see Jacob Black
In all honesty I didn't expect to see home here.
"Hi Jacob, guys this is Jacob" I introduce them to Jacob kind of informally.
"Hey guys how you doing?"
He walks over to the van and sits next to me.
I offer him a twizzler, because why not.
"What are you, like stalking me?" I ask
"You're on my base remember" he laughs
"Are you surfing" he asks
"I'm definitely not" I laugh
"You guys should keep Bella company, her date failed" Jessica jokes
"What date?" Eric asks immediately
"She invited Edward"
"Mm to be polite that's it" I defend
"I think it's nice she invited Edward, nobody ever does" Angela says, trying to help me out.
"Yea cause Cullen's a freak" Mike says
"You got that right" one of Jacob's friends agrees, making me interested
How do they know him
Do they know about his family
What do they know about them
"You guys know him?" I ask
"The Cullen's don't come here" Jacob's other friend says.
After that everybody stay silent and head their opposite ways.
Mike, Eric and Jessica head to the waves, Angela watches for whales and me and Jacob take a walk.
"What did your friends mean about "the cullens don't come here"?"
"You caught that huh?"
"I'm not really supposed to say anything about it" he whispers
"Hey, I can keep a secret" I say
"Um haha it's really just a old scary story" he laughs
"Well I wanna know" I push
"Ok um, did you know Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves"
"What? Like wolves, like real wolves?" I ask
"Yea, well uh, that's the legend of our tribe"
"Ok, so what's the story about the Cullens?"
"Well they're supposedly descended from this like enemy clan, my great grandfather, the chief found them hunting on our land but they claimed to be something different so we made a treaty with them, if they promise to stay off of Quileutes land then we wouldn't expose what they really were, the pale faces"
"I thought they just moved here"
"Or just moved back"
"Ha, right"
"Well, what are they really?"
"Hahaha it's just a story Bella, come on let's go"
Guys I can't thank you enough for reading my story!! I am incredibly thankful!❤️
       ❗️Lil spoiler❗️
Can't wait to write the baseball scene and when Bella meets the other Cullens.

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