Chapter 13

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Bella's POV
After Jacob told me about him being supposedly descended from wolves and about the Cullens, I grew even more suspicious of this town.
So, this morning after I woke up and got ready and decided to do a little research.
I sit at my desk and open my computer and head to the most reliable source, Google.
I type in the first thing that comes to mind, Quileute Legends.
I press the search button and click on one of the first links, which happened to be a book store website. Which happened to be at Port Angeles.
I click the site that was provided and write down the address on a sticky note and grab my bag and head to school.
I look all around me hoping to see Edward or any part of his family, but I don't.
All I see is students either sunbathing or playing soccer.
"He's not here, whenever the weathers nice the Cullens disappear" Jessica says while sunbathing on the table.
"What? Do they just ditch?" I ask
"No um, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank them out for like hiking and camping and stuff, tried that out on my parents..... I wasn't even close" she replies
I was about to reply when all of a sudden Angela appears, while seeming excited.
"Guys! I'm going to the prom with Eric, I just asked him and I took control" she gloats to us.
"I told you that would happen" I say as I hug her.
"Are you sure you have to go out of town?" She asks
"Oh yes it's a family thing"
".....Ok we should've shopping at Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out" Jessica says.
"Port Angeles, mind if I come?" I ask
"Yea I need your opinion" Angela laughs.
"I like this one" Jessica says while holding up a long, pink dress. "But like....I don't know about the one shoulder thing"
"I like this one" Angela says
"Yea, I like beading"
They both finally decide on which dress to try on.
"Ok, I like this makes my boobs look good" Jessica laughs.
Just then a group of boys walk past the window while hollering and knocking on the glass.
"Oh", "That is uncomfortable", "That's disgusting"We all say.
"Bella, what do you think?" Jessica asks me.
I look up from my list, "that looks great".
"You've said that about the last five dresses though"
"Uh I thought they all were pretty good" I say
"You're not really in to this, are you?" Angela asks
"I just really want to go to this book store" I admit
"Um......I'll meet y'all at a restaurant?" I ask, eager to get my hands on the book.
I start to gather my stuff, "are you sure?" Jessica asks, "ya ya, I'll see y'all in a minute".
"Ok", "ok"
I get all my things and head out the door and to the book shop.
"Here you go" the cashier say to me while accepting the cash.
"Have a good night" he says before I exit the bookshop.
I put the book into my bag and head to the restaurant I was supposed to meet Angela and Jessica at.
I'm walking down a dark alley when I see the same group of guys from the dress shop.
I stop and turn around the head the other direction.
I look behind me and see two men from the group start to follow me.
I pick up the pace and turn into a random alleyway, hoping that I loose them.
I start to hear the creeks of wood behind me so I pick up the pace even faster.
That's when the rest of the gang shows up and start to circle me.
"Hey!" One of them yells form behind me.
"Where you running to?" Another says.
"Oh there she is!" Another laughs.
I just keep my head down and try to continue walking.
They're clearly intoxicated, I can smell it on their breath and see the pack of beer they have.
The circle gets small, that's when I start to panic. I turn to walk the other way but only see the two men that were following me start to close in on me.
"Where you going?" One asks while pushing me around.
"Yea where are you going?" Another says.
"You can hang out with us" one snickers
They start to get in my face and their hands try to wonder.
"What's the problem?" The one in my face asks, I can smell the cheap beer on his breath.
"You're pretty" one says while touching my hair.
"Don't touch me" I say
After I say that one grabs the collar of my shirt and try to kiss me.
"Don't touch me!" I say before kicking him in the balls.
When I do a car zooms into the parking lot. The familiar white Volvo parks and the driver gets out.
Edward Cullen
My mind starts to race. How did he know where I was, was he following me, why does he care?
"Get in the car" he says
I walk to the passenger side and get in. I watch as the men cower in fear.
Edward walks back to the drivers side and gets in.
Just for good measure he revs his engine and drives at the gang.
They all fall over their drunken feet.
He backs out of the parking lot and cuts into the road.
"I should go back there and rip those guys heads off" he says.
"Uh, no you shouldn't"
"You don't know the vile, and impulsive things they're thinking"
"And you do?"
"I-it's not hard to guess"
I just snicker at that.
"Can we talk about something else? Distract me so I will not turn around"
"You should put your seatbelt on"
"Haha you should put your seatbelt on" he laughs

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