Chapter 2

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Bella's POV
I wake up and put on a pair of jeans, a dark shirt and thick jacket since I'm not use to the cold yet.
I go down stairs to see that Charlie is already gone so is his car. I toast a bagel and clean up the kitchen while waiting for it to finish. I keep cleaning hoping it'll keep my mind off of today. When my bagel is done I put butter on it and head out the door.
I get in my truck and start driving to school. The word causes goosebumps to rise on my skin.
I then see the school sign and turn into the parking lot.
My very loud truck catches the attention of almost the whole parking lot.
My first day at a new school, it's March middle of the semester...great.
"Nice ride" a dark skinned boy says full of sarcasm but I still say "thanks" and continue walking. I'm looking at my paper looking for my class when a Asian boy with long dark hair approaches me, "you're Isabella swan the new girl, hi I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place" I snicker at his comment. "Anything you need? You're guide, lunch date, a shoulder to cry on?" I remain silent not knowing what to say.
"Uh....I'm really kind of the more suffer in silence type" I respond. "Good headline for the future I'm on the paper and you're new baby front page", "no I'm not, ah please don't" I decline his offer. "Woah woah chillax no feature, cool?"
I hate gym, I can't even walk properly and they expect me to play volleyball in extremely long sweat pants, that they gave me from the lost and found. That's gotta be a joke.
I just stand in the back with the other people who don't want to play. Praying nobody throws the ball to me.
Just my luck a ball comes flying at my face so I dodge and skurry away. Which ends up in me hitting a guy in the head. "I'm sorry I told them not to let me play."
He turns around and smiles while rubbing his head. "No no, you're Isabella right?" He questions which sounded more like a statement. "Just Bella" I correct him since I don't like my full name. "Yea hey I'm a... Mike.....Newton" he says as he reaches out to shake my hand which I accept and nod. "Oh nice to meet you" "yea"
A brown headed girl with a ponytail then runs up to us and says "uh she's gotta great spike huh?" while staring directly into my eyes. "My names Jessica by the way" she doesn't give me time to respond and says " hey, you're from Arizona right?" "Yea" I curtly respond. "Aren't people from Arizona suppose to be like really tan?" She laughs "yea maybe that's why they kicked me out" I awkwardly say which makes them laugh.
"You're good" mike says while still laughing. "Haha that's really funny"
Mike invited me to sit at their table for lunch. I obviously accepted since I didn't know where else to sit.
I grab my tray with food on it and walk toward the table. Mike pulls the chair out for me. "Thanks" I whisper "it's my pleasure" he says in a accent.
Mike sits next to me while Eric is in my other side talking about something. "Burrito my friend?" Mike asks Eric, but Eric doesn't respond to that. "Mikey you've meet my homegirl Bell" "oh y-y-you're homegirl?" He questions.
I just sit there. Then the same guy who "complemented" my truck comes up from behind me and says "my homegirl" before kissing my cheek then pulling Mikes chair out from beneath him causing him to fall. But he gets back up and chases the guy. Which I've learned was named Tyler.
Everybody laughs lightly "oh my god it's like first grade all over again, you're like the shiny new toy" Jessica says while sitting in the seat Mike was sitting in.
Then a girl with purple glasses comes over with a big camera and says happily "smile" in almost a singing voice and takes my picture with the flash on. "Ok" I say while my eyes try to readjust. "Sorry needed a candidate for the feature" she apologizes. "Features dead Angela don't bring it up again" Eric say before standing up and walking to my other side and saying "I got you back baby" while patting my arm then leaving.
"Guess we'll run another editorial on teen drinking" Angela says sadly while fiddling with her camera. "I mean you could always go for...eating disorders, Speedo padding on the swim team" I suggest while chewing on a celery stick.
"Actually that's a good one" she says astonished. "Right, That's exactly what I thought" Jessica says.
While they're talking I see a group of extremely pale but beautiful group of people about to walk into the cafeteria.
"Whare they?" I ask curiously "the Cullen's" Angela says with a smirk. I must have looked as confused as I felt because Jessica elaborated on what Angela was saying. "They're um Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids they moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago" "they kind of keep to their selfs" Angela defends but Jessica just continues, "yea cause they're all together, like together together".
I furrow my brows urging her to go on and she does "the blonde girl that's Rosalie and the big dark haired guy's Emmett they are like a thing, I'm not even sure if that's legal" "Jess they're not actually related" Jessica yet again defends. "Yea but they live together it's weird" "and ok the little dark haired girl is Alice she's really weird she's with Owen the tall red haired guy"
The girl that I now know as Alice pulls Owen along with her to their table where Rosalie and Emmett are seated.
Jessica clears her throat to get our attention and continues, "uh the girl with curly brown hair is Daisy she's really quiet unless she's talking to her family, she's with the Jasper the one who looks like he's in pain"
I watch Jasper twirl Daisy while he carries their tray in his other hand. His eyes never leave hers not even to see where he's going, he only smirks when she giggles. They continue until they are seated next to Rosalie and Emmett.
"Who's he?" I ask when a copper hair boy walks into the cafeteria. I don't dare to take my eyes off of him as Jessica answers.
"He's Edward Cullen totally gorgeous obviously but apparently nobody here is good enough for him, like I care you know?" "So yea, like don't waist your time" she says right away. "Wasn't planning on it" I mumble.
Just as I say that their whole take looks at me which makes me look away and hide behind my hair. In the corner of my eye I can see the copper haired boy still staring at me with a clenched jaw. He stops when Daisy smacks him on the shoulder making him remove his eyes from me so he ruffles Daisy's hair. Which makes her pout and what looks like complain to her boyfriend, Jasper.

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