Chapter 19

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3rd person POV
"I believe this belongs to you" the man in the middle said as his red eyes scan over the coven.
He throws the ball and Carlisle catches it with his right hand.
"Thank you"
The same man introduces himself and his companions,"I am Laurent, and this is Victoria and James"
"I'm Carlisle and this is my family". He makes sure not to say their names in front of the red eyed strangers. Everybody was with their mate besides Alice and Esme, who are standing in front of Bella. Jasper and Daisy were on Carlisles right and Rosalie and Emmett were on this left while Owen was behind Carlisle (in-front of Esme and Alice).
"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us" Carlisle states as the leader of the gold eyed coven.
"Our apologies, we didn't realize the territory has been claimed"
"Yes well, we maintain a permanent residence near by"
James's eyes lock with Edwards as Victoria's lock with Bella's. James could tell their was something slightly off about the coven, how everybody's body became stiff and all surround the quiet brunette.
He tilts his head to the side slightly as he tries to solve the puzzle that is laid out in front of him.
"Really?" The man in the middle snickers as he looks to his side at the blonde man who's eyes were now locked on Daisy.
Jasper could sense and see the mans desires for his wife, he gently pushes Daisy behind him and widens his stance and stairs at the man.
The major was ready to come out any second.
"Well, the aren't going to be a problem anymore....we were just passing through"
"The humans were tracking us but we lead them east, you should be safe" the red haired women says as if they were old friends.
"Excellent" Carlisle snickers.
"So.....could you use three more players?" Laurent asks
The gold eyed coven members look at each other as they feel restraint to play with the red eyes.
Laurent could see that, "oh come on, just one game"
Carlisle sighs, "sure why not, a few of us were leaving" he suggests.
Edward understood what he was thinking.
"You could take their place, we'll bat first" Carlisle says before throwing the baseball back to Laurent but Victoria catches it and smirks, "I'm the one with the wicked cute ball"
"Oh I think we can handle that" Emmett says
"We shall see"
Everybody starts to walk to their positions but James just stands their and stairs at Bella. Just when he begins to walk away a gust of wind appears and flows through Bella's hair. 
Everybody stops as they hear James inhale the sent, "Mmmm you brought a snack"
"A human?"
Everybody crouches in a defensive position, Daisy face to face with Victoria, James face to face with Edward and Laurent and Carlisle.
Bella just stairs, not knowing what's going on.
"The girl is with us, I think it's best if you leave"
"I can see the game is over, we will go now"
Victoria and Daisy still stand crouched as Edward and James haven't backed down yet.
"James" the man warns his coven member.
Once James walks away Victoria snaps away and over to her mate, James and they begin to walk away.
Once they are out of earshot and sight Carlisle tells Edward to get Bella out of there.
"Go" Carlisle says
Edwards pulls Bella to the car, and throws her in and speeds away through the woods.
"Well that was fun" Daisy says sarcastically

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