Hello my name is.....

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-Claire's POV-

"Clairebear." I feel someone shaking me.

I wake up and see Andy standing at the side of my bed.

"Yeah?" I asked, sitting up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"The guys wanted to know if you would like to come to the studio."

I looked at my alarm clock and it read 8:30 AM.

"This early?" I groaned.

Andy chuckled and threw the blankets off of my bed.

"You have no choice, patty cakes is not leaving you home alone." Andy said, walking to the door.

I winced at the memory of my birthday, and what had happened.

I rubbed the scar that was on my collarbone, over my heart.

"Fine, let me get dressed and I will be down in a few minutes." I said, as I got out of bed and got clothes out of my drawer.

Andy closed the door behind himself, as he left, and I started to get dressed.

I wore a pair of black leggings, my Panic! Shirt and my FOB sweatshirt that I got from joe for my 17th birthday, after the whole accident with my dad; the second time.

I grabbed my phone, put my headphones in and played Jet Pack Blues, the song that I always played in the morning.

I walk down the stairs and I saw Pete and Joe standing in the livingroom.

"Thank god it feels like we have been standing here for centuries." Pete sighed loudly as I came into the livingroom.

I laughed at his comment and followed them outside, to patricks car.

We got in, and Patrick started driving to the studio.

<Ten minutes later>

We arrived at the studio and I followed them inside.

I was too busy on my phone that I wasn't paying attention, and I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I should really watch where I am going." I apologized as I help the guy pick up the papers, that were scattered all over the floor.

"Its okay, no big deal." I stood up straight and handed him the papers.

He took them from me, our hands meeting and it felt like electricity running through my hand.

I quickly pulled away, tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, and my gaze lifted.

I met his deep, brown eyes, which were smiling with happiness.

"I'm sorry." I apologized again, taking my headphones out of my ears.

"Its okay, no biggie. The names Stefen, Stefen Slavatore." He extended his hand, and I shook his hand.

"Claire, Claire Stump." I said, releasing his hand and smiling at him.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" he suddenly asked, the question took me off guard.

"That sounds nice." I smiled at him, his face lit up like a kid on Christmas.

"Great, I will pick you up at seven then?" He asked.

"Sure. Here is my number so i can text you the address." We swapped phones and put our numbers in.

He handed my phone back, and I gave his phone back to him.

"Okay see you tonight." He smiled as he waved goodbye.

"Okay see you later." I waved goodbye.

I walked into the studio, with a huge smile on my face and sat down next to Patrick.

"Sooo...." Pete said.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Whos the lucky guy?" Joe asked, sitting next to me, bumping my shoulder.

"His name is Stefen Salvatore, and he is taking me out to dinner tonight."

"Wait did you say Stefen Salvatore?" Andy asked, his face turning white as a ghost.

"Yeah, what about him?" I asked, defensively.

"I would be careful with him." Andy said.

"why?" I felt myself get very defensive, over a guy whom I just met not even ten minutes ago.

"Just please be careful around him." Andy said, standing up and going to the drum set.

After an hour of recording, we finally left the studio.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and it was Stefen.

Hey beautiful, cant wait to see you tonight :)

Hey, I cant wait to see you either. Well i'm going to get ready, see you in a couple of hours. :)

I locked my phone, and got into the car and we drove home.

Irresistible Immortal (Sequel to Jet Pack Blues)Where stories live. Discover now