Epilogue- I Love You My Little Irresistible Immortal

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-Patrick's POV-

 I was woken up to someone banging on my bedroom door.

 “PATRICK, ITS CLAIRE SHES NOT WAKING UP!!!!!!!” I shot right up, rolled over and fell onto the floor.

 I jumped to my feet and ran towards my door, my socks slipping and sliding on the hardwood floor. Throwing my door, I stopped short when I saw Andy and joe carrying Claire. Pete came out of her room with a bag of this plant that is toxic to vampires, Revaine. I grabbed my phone on the nightstand that was beside my bed, and called Damon.

 “Okay human, you just interrupted my nice breakfast, what do you want?”

 “It's Claire, shes not waking up.”

 I heard him call stefen and then he said, “be there in two.”

 The line went dead and I locked my phone, shoving it back into my sweatpants pocket.

 I ran my hands through my hair, pulling a little bit and then dropping my hands to my side. My vision blurred as I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

 “Shes paler than usual.” Joe whispered, as him and Andy layed her on the couch.

 Then the front door flew opened and Damon and Stefen came storming in.

 “What happened?!” Damon demanded and he knelt beside Claire.

 “I-I don't know I found her lying on the floor with this next to her.” Pete showed them the bag of Revaine.

 “Shit. SHIT!” Damon exclaimed, as he looked from Claire, to the bag and back to Claire.

 “What is Revaine?” Andy asked.

 “It is a herb that is deadly to vampires.” Damon gestured to the bag and pointed to Pete, “Close the damn bag or else you will have two more vampires dying on the floor.”

 Pete closed the bag, picked it up and put it in the jacket closet.

 “Is she going to be okay?” I asked, Damon looked at me wih a sad expression.

 Stefen walked over to her favorite chair and got her FOB blanket which the guys and I got her for Christmas last year, and wrapped it around her.

 I looked back and Damon and he stared into my eyes. Without even him saying it, I knew the answer.

 I turned around and trudge ack up the stairs and stood in the doorway to her room. That’s when I say her notebook opened on her bed. I took it off of her bed and walked back down the stairs.

 “Guys I found something, it looks like a goodbye letter.” I said, my voice cracking at the end as the tears already to stream down my face.

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