We Have A Slight Problem

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-Damons POV-

 I sat there all through the night, watching Claire toss and turn. I heard the guys snoring loudly upstairs, jeez i wish that one of them would play some music so i won't have to hear them.

 I tried to tune the snoring out and focus on  listening to the crickets and animals outside. I smelt him before i heard him. Carefully getting up so i won't wake claire, i snuck out of the front door.

 "Stefen. What in the world are you doing out here?" I whispered into the shadows.

 I saw him slowly emerge from the trees and there was som,ething in his eyes, that made me have hope that my little brother is still in there somewhere.

 "H-how is she?" He asked, giving me a concerned look.

 "Shes not dead if thats what you are getting at." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

 He took a step towards me and i hissed at him. "Don't you dare come here and think that everything is back to normal. She was almost dead because of what you did to her." I shoved his shoulders.

 He bared his teeth at me, "Look i'm sorry for the way i acted, i just can't live with the pain that i had when i lost her."

 The look in his eyes made me think that he is in the process of turning his humanity back on.

 "Look, i never meant for this to happen. Trust me i really thought she was going to end up with you. But the connection that we had in the park that day, i never experienced that feeling with anyone else before. I feel bad that you are hurting, but maybe one day you will  find someone."

 He sighed and ran kicked a rock that was by his feet. "Yeah you are right, look i'm extremely sorry for what i did to claire....."

 "Speaking of claire," I said as i cut him off, "We have a slight problem."

 "What is that problem." He asked, looking at me a slight bit of fear in his eyes.

 "Weeeeellll, she kind of died with my blood in her system."

 "which means that she is....." His words gotcaught in his throat.

 "Changing into a vampire." I finished his sentence.

 "Shit." He muttered.

 "Yeah and once the guys notice something off about her, they are going to ask questions." I said, my mind raced with the sudden thoughts of the guys asking various questions.

 "You have to make sure that they don't find out, try and make her hide it somehow."

 "I will try but i won't promise anything." Then i heard one of the guys' bedroom door open.

 "Shit, i have to get back inside." I said, as i turned towards the door.

 Then i stopped, and turned back to face Stefen, "Look just please go back to the old stefen, because this evil stefen guy is not so nice."

 He hissed at me and then he said, "Fine i will try." Then he turned and faded back into the shadows.

 I snuck back into tthe house, and sat back in my original position with Claire's head in my lap, and then i felt my eyes get heavy. Then finally i fell into a dreamless sleep.

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