I'm a Monster

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-Claire's POV-

 I was walking down the street when all of a sudden I notice the sky darken and it started to rain.

 I sighed softly and shoved my hands in my pockets, and continued walking down the street. The scent of the rain filled my nose but it wasn’t enough to mask the scent of blood that was still on my sweatshirt. Thank god that my sweatshirt was black because I can guarantee that there is a little blood on the front and the sleeves of my sweater.

 My mouth started to water and my throat ran dry as the scent of the now dried blood filled my nose. I needed to find more food and fast. Walking a little bit more down the block, and I turned into a dark alley. That’s when I heard a soft groan. I followed the noise and before I knew it I was infront of a homeless guy.

 I knelt infront of the guy and he stared in my eyes.

 “Don't scream.” I told him and he nodded, sitting upright against the brick wall.

 I grabbed his head, moved it slightly to the right, and bit down into his neck. I felt him tense up and he started to struggle to get out of my grip. I growled and bit harder, his struggling slowly decreased and then his body went limp.

 Pulling away, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and sighed in relief, as the thirst went away and my body hummed with energy. I pulled my hood back over my head, went to the entrance in the alley and looked in both directions before turning right, and continued walking down the sidewalk.

 After an hour and a half, the rain stopped and I realized that I was back at the park where Damon found me. I sat on the bench that was underneath a small tree and took out my phone. I had 20 text messages from  the guys, Stefen and  Damon asking me where I was and if I was okay; also to please come home. I locked my phone and shoved it back into my pocket.

 Pushing myself off of the bench, I decided to walk down the street. Before I could process where I was going, I was standing in front of my house. The memories of when I got adopted by them came flooding back into my mind. My vision blurred and I wiped away a lone tear that ran down my cheek. I shook my head, which cause the hood to fall off the top of my head, and I started slowly walking down the street.

 After about two blocks away from the house, I heard a car honking. I turned around and saw a blue mustang pull up next to me on the side of the road. I ignored the car and continued walking. Then I heard the car doors open and I stopped as I smelt the familiar scents of cologne.

 “Clarie!” I just stood there, my back to Patrick as he called out to me.

 I slowly turned around and saw Andy, Patrick, Pete and Damon all crowded on the sidewalk. Then I saw another car out of the corner of my eye, pull up on the other side of the street and Stefen and Joe jumped out of the car.

 “Claire, honey I've been worried sick.” Patrick said, walking towards me.

 I took a stepp back, and said, “Don't come near me, i'm a monster.”

 “Claire, you are not a monster it’s a natural thing.” Damon said.

  “Just stay away.” I said, backing away from them.

 All of a sudden a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, and I smelt damon's cologne. I fell into his chest, and started to cry.

 “I killed people Damon.” I murmured into his chest.

 He  rubbed my back, and said, “Its okay, everything will  be okay.”

 He threw Patrick his keys and he led me back to the house. Patrick and stefen parked the cars  in the driveway and we all went inside.

Patrick went into the kitchen to fix himself some lunch, and the guys went upstairs. Damon and Stefen went outside to talk, and I went into the kitchen with Patrick. I watched him make his sandwich, I turned around to get him a bottle of water out of the fridge, and that’s when I smelt it.

 “Shit.” I heard Patrick curse softly to himself, and the guys came into the kitchen, to make themselves lunch.

 I let the fridge door close, and I stared at Patrick's bleeding hand.

 “Claire.” Patrick's voice was filled with fear.

 I felt my teeth slide down, and then everything happened all at once. The bottle fell from my hand, and I started to run towards Patrick. The guys tried to hold me back, but I threw them to the other side of the kitchen, they hit the wall and crashed down to the floor.

 “Damon, Stefen!” I heard Andy's voice as if it was background noise. I pinned Patrick against the counter, and he struggled against my inhuman strength to get away.

 I grabbed ahold on his hand and sunk my teeth into his palm. He let out a small cry, and then I heard Damon yell, “CLAIRE STOP, YOU'LL KILL HIM!”

 Patrick's struggles decreased and then he went limp in my arms. I pulled away, and he dropped to the floor, unconscious and barely breathing.

 “No no no no.” I stumbled backwards and fell against the wall. I sleid down the wall, pulled my knees to my chest and I stared at Patrick, who's breathing slowed and he showed no signs of getting up.

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