Dinner date

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-Claire's POV-
I hear someone knock on the front door.

"I got it!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

I got to the front door, fixed my hair, room a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hello Claire." Stefen said, he had flowers in his hand.

He handed me the flowers an said, "hello Stephen." taking the flowers.

I turned around, walking towards the kitchen and I noticed that Stephen was still standing in the doorway.

"You can come in." I said, but he just stood there.

"Hello Stefen. You may come in." Patrick said, coming into the living room, smiling at Stephen.

I watched him take a step inside, and he followed me into the kitchen.

I put the flowers in a vase, and I saw the guys come in.

"So you are Stefen salvatore." joe said, shaking Stefens hand.

"Hello." Stefen said, letting go of joes hand.

"Pete wentz." Pete said, nodding his head at him.

"Andy Hurley." I noticed Andy's voice ice cold, serious. I'm goin to have to take to him later.

Stefen gives Andy a hard glare, it almost looked dangerous.

I grabbed Stefens arm and said, "okay we shoulder be going." I tugged him towards the front door.

"Yes we should be on our way, nice meeting you all." Stefens voice was ice cold, I winced at the sound.

<at the restaurant>

"So, claire, do you have any siblings?" Stefen asked, as he picked at his food.

I swallowed my bite and shook my head, "what about you?"

"Yes his name is Damon, but he doesn't visit anymore." stefen sighed, setting down his fork. he hasn't eaten a thing, hmmm, he's probably not hungry.


"Yeah, so is Patrick your dad?" He took a small sip of his water, before setting the glass back onto the table.

I took a sip of my soda, and nodded, "yeah I consider them all my dad, but Patrick adopted me."


"Yes, my real father was an abusive drunk and he tried to kill me three times, and he almost succeeded the second and third time. but I'm still here so that's a plus." I shrugged, and I rubbed the scar on my collarbone, from the bullet.

"You're nervous."

"No I'm not." I said defensively.

He gestured to my hand that was still on my collarbone, " you do that when you are nervous."

"Oh." I felt my face get hot.

I dropped my hand, and I finished the last bite.

"You done?" Stefen asked, paying the check.

"Yes, I'm done." I smiled, getting up.

He helped me get my jacket on and we got into his car.

<back at the house>

-Andy's POV-

I paced back an forth in the livingroom, mumbling to myself.

"Hey an, if you start answerin yourself, then we will have to put you in a mental hospital." Pete said, the guys coming into the livingroom behind him.

I continue pacing back and forth.

"Dude what is wrong with you." Joe stopped infront of me, putting his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Yeah you've been acting weird ever since Claire met Stefen." Patrick said, his voice full of concern.

I sighed, taking the newspaper out of my back pocket, and threw it on the coffee table.

Patrick picked it up and read the article that I had it opened to.

"What does this have to do with Stefen?" Pete asked, takin the article from patrick, reading it and then looking back up at me, face confused.

"Look at the name."

"Stefen Salvatore." Joe said.

"What if this guy turns out to be a killer?!" I pointed at the article.

"That's impossible, it's probably a coincidence." Pete threw the paper back on the table.

A few minutes later, I heard two doors slam.

"Hey I'm home, be nice." Claire said, coming into the house, her hand grasping Stephens.

"Hey how was dinner?" Patrick asked.

Claire smiled widely, "it was amazing."

"We had a very nice time, thank you for letting me take your daughter out. l" Stephen gave us a quick nod, my blood boiled.

"Stefen I will walk you out." Claire said, giving me a we-will-talk-later look.

I watch them walk out the front door, and I couldn't help myself. going to the front window, peeking through the blinds.

I saw claire smiling up at Stefen, and she out her arms around his neck as he put his around her waist.

Then he kissed her. He pulled away, she smiled widely at him and he got into his car. Claire turned around and walked into the front door. I quickly moved away from the window, and plopped down onto a chair.

She walked into the livingroom, her face beet red and she had a huge smile on her face.

I watched her cross the room, and then the article which Pete left on the table, caught her eye.

-Claire's POV-

I went to go sit next to Patrick and pete, when I saw a newspaper article on the table. the headline read, ANIMAL ATTACK OR MURDERER

I picked up the article and started to read it. one name stood out, Stefen Salvatore.

"Claireb...." Andy started to say, but I held up my hand.

"How long have you guys kept this from me?" I waved the article in the air.

"Claire, please let me explain." Andy got up slowly, hold his hands up.

"Fine explain." I slammed the article down on the table.

Andy opened his mouth, "look I'm sorry. Stefen is a possible murderer, and I just don't feel safe with you being with him."

I stormed off towards the stairs, it had one foot on the first step and my hand in the banister.

I turned my head, looking straight at Andy and said, "I would have never thought you would be the person to judge someone who you don't even know, wow Andy and that's a low even for you."

Andy had a hurt look on his face.
"Claire!" Patrick exclaimed, shock flashed across his face.

I tuned around, ignoring Patrick and ran up to my room, slamming the door.

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