Secret Revealed

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-Claire's POV-

I woke up only to find myself wrapped in my FOB blanket, and my head in Andy's lap. My gaze searched the room and i saw that stefen was gone. I hear joe softly snore, i sat up, crossing my legs underneath me and looked at Andy. His head was propped up against the back of the couch, his mouth was slightly opened.

"hey An." i gently nudged his side.

He woke up, startled , and then he nooticed that it was just me.

"Oh hey clairebear." He yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

"Where did stefen go?" I asked, pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders.

"He said that he had something to do. He said that he will be back soon thought." Andy said, taking his phone out and checking his messages.

"Oh. Well i'm going to take a little walk." I got up, folded up the blanket and put it back on the back of the couch.

"Wait, let me go with you." Andy said, jumping up and grabbing his shoes.

"Umm its something that i kinda have to do alone, I'm sorry." He looked at me, worry in his eyes and he set his shoes back in their proper place by the door.

"Oh okay, just please text me when you get to where ever you are going." I gave him a smile and his facial expression relaxed, but a hint of worry still remained.

"Don't worry i won't be long." I gave him an ecouraging smile, while i put my headphones in my ear and played Twin Skeletons by FOB.

Walking down the driveway, i turned onto the sidewalk and i walked down the block.

Ten minutes passed and i arrived at my destination, the Cemetary.

Yes i know what you are all thinking, what in the hell is this girl doing at a cemetery? Well i'm glad you asked, my mom was buried in the cemetery that was a few blocks down from where the guys lived.

It took me about another ten minutes to find my mothers tombstone, and when i finally found it, i knelt infront of it.

I ran my fingers across the writing; CLARY MICHELLE STONE The greatest and most creative mother who have ever lived 1975-2009.

"Hi mom." I whispered.

"You wouldn't believe what had happened, I was adopted by Fall Out Boy." i smiled through my already brewing tears.

I told her everything that happened after that, and i felt like i sat there for hours, but it was only a half an hour.

A few seconds later, the feeling struck me again and i felt like i was being watched.

Irresistible Immortal (Sequel to Jet Pack Blues)Where stories live. Discover now