Rescue Mission

154 20 14

-Patrick's POV-

Damon shoved my phone into my hands, and started pacing back and forth. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and it was slowly breaking.

"What in the world are we going to do now? They have Claire!" I exclaimed, and I felt a hand go on my shoulder.

Jumping at the sudden contact, I turned my head and saw Joe looking at me, he had tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry man, we will get her back." He squeezed my shoulder, and then he let it drop to his side.

I noticed that Doman stopped infront of me, he had this look in his eyes that made my heart sink into my stomach.

"We have to get to Claire, like now. By the way Enzo was talking, she doesn’t have long now. Before…."

I cut him off, which only got me a hiss, "Before what?! He kills her?" I threw my hands up in the air, and then they dropped back to my sides.

"Give me your car keys, now. We have to leave." Damon held out his hand towards me.

I shighed, reached into my pocket and handed him my keys. Then I followed the guys and Damon out to my car.

We pulled out of the driveway, and I shot back into my seat. Damon hit the gas and the tires squealed, as we sped down the street. Then we got into town, in no time flat, and we came to an abandoned parking lot of an abandoned building.

Damon stopped the car, and I flung the passenger door opened, and we raced towards the building.

When we entered the building, I stepped in what sounded like a puddle of water. But when I looked down, I gasped, stumbling back, only to be caught by Pete. There was a trail of blood leading down the hallway, to a staircase leading up to the second floor.

"Come on guys, who knows how long she was like this." Damon lead us up the steps, and we came to the second floor.

I followed Damon, and the guys were one step behind me, when we came to a door. The trail of blood stopped by the door, and i'm guessing led into the room as well.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Shit." I whispered, and that’s when Damon used his vampire strength to kick the door in.

I was the first one to enter the room, and then I quickly regretted the decision.

I watched as Stefen whirled around, and stared at me with his crazed, wild eyes. It was completely silent for a moment, and that’s when I heard what sounded like water dripping. Stefen chuckled, and stepped aside. I gasped when I saw Claire, pale as a ghost, tied up to the chair; and there were one bucket one either side of her, catching the blood that flowed from her wrists.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Pete and Andy running towards Claire, only to be stopped by this guy, who i'm guessing is named Enzo.

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