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I dangled my feet off the edge of Ashley's bed, as a random movie filled the background. Her phone screen lit up her face as she typed.

"Oh Y/N." She looked up from the device, "Hyunjae just invited us in to town with his friends after their lectures finish."
"Hyunjae's friends?" I chuckled at her in disbelief.
"They aren't that bad Y/N." She said shrugging aside everything that happened in the past year.

"Are we gonna ignore the time, the entire campus fire alarm went off in the middle of the night because they decided to spray axe over the stove? Or the time Changmin bit the campus manager whilst they were getting searched? Or the time they threw Haknyeon down a flight of stairs to see if he breaks and claimed they weren't high-" I began listing off everything that happened in the past few months that i was here.

"I know , I know, but they're nice to us. I think they just genuinely wanna be friends with us."  She said looking back at her screen where Hyunjae had sent the message.

"You tell yourself that." I said sarcastically as she punched me for saying it.
"Listen above all of that, there is a literal criminal in their friend group." I chuckled forgetting about today's occurrence.
"His sentence wasn't even that ba-" She began yet I cut her off.
"HE WAS ARRESTED. He still broke. the. law." I hushed her jokingly as she laughed along. "I guess I'll go, but if you think i'm committing to a long term friendship with those imbeciles you are wrong."
She smiled brightly at my words, knowing she would convince me eventually.



"Bro, you're setting yourself up for rejection." Haknyeon laughed as Hyunjae asked out those girls he was talking to at lunch.
"Trust the process." Hyunjae said putting his phone down now that message had been sent.
"Ashley would wanna go." Eric began, "Y/N..not to state the obvious but.. I don't think she likes us."
"What is there not to like?" Younghoon chimed in leaning against the door frame.
"Well-" A few of them simultaneously began.
"Sunwoo." Jacob called over, "You're too quiet, what did they do to you in there."
"Threw me in a classroom of manslaughter convicts and told me not to speak for 6 months." I said taking a drag of my cigarette as I stood out on the balcony.
They all looked at me before chuckling.
"Yeh never mind he hasn't changed." Jacob laughed nervously scratching the back of his head.
"We're meeting them at the main entrance in an hour." Hyunjae smiled idiotically at his phone, this guy is still as irritating as when i left.



"Come on Y/N, it's 4pm." Ashley whined as she physically forced me to leave the dorm.
"No last minute rain checks or..." I suggested turning round, until she blocked the doorway.
"No. We are going to meet them, plus what if you like 'em. I'll invite Olivia and Eun next time if that's the issue, I promise." She wriggled her eyebrows, to which i rolled my eyes.
I'd already tried to make the excuse of there being too many men - didn't work.
I sighed as we left the building and walked to
meet them.

We arrived at the main entrance of campus where the boys were waiting to leave.
"We thought you would of ditched." Kevin laughed as we approached.
"It would of been funnier if you didn't show up" Haknyeon sighed with a chuckle earning a glare from Hyunjae.

"Hi Y/N." Eric smiled also earning a glare on behalf since the last time we spoke.
"We had bets on you not coming." Juyeon elbowed me jokingly.
"I honestly wasn't planning on it." I sarcastically replied just making my will to be here apparent.

As the atmosphere buzzed between them, I noticed Ashley matched their chaotic dynamic perfectly.
I was happy seeing her so buzzed and excited to be around people that were able to bring out that side of her more than I could.
We arrived at a diner off campus, taking a seat next to Juyeon and Ashley. I was sat opposite Sunwoo, he was oddly quiet.

Yet the group still seemed to revolve around him.
His aura was dark, he had slightly tanned skin, brown doe eyes that held a sharp gaze and plump lips that tinted a soft peach.

"I'll go get drinks, what's everyone having?"Sangyeon stood up as they all shouted their requests  at him."Y/N ? you're not having anything?"
"No, I'm okay thank you." I smiled as he returned the expression.
"You sure?" Juyeon asked, I just nodded and looked elsewhere for conversations to chime into.

"Tomorrow night is the campus party. So you are both coming are coming aren't you?" Kevin asked looking between me and Ashley.
"Yeah I think so." I nodded, taking Ashley by surprise since I was the one to answer.
"Good to know." He smiled and looked at his thumbs with which he fiddled in pretty patterns. 
Sangyeon came back with everyone's drinks, sliding them down the table strategically.
"So Y/N, how come you don't have a boyfriend yet?" Eric asked from across the table.
"Boys like you Eric." I smiled bitterly, to which the boys at the table laughed.

As the conversation moved, I realized these boys were actually really funny despite their delinquent-like-insanity.
"Changmin has bit everyone apart from Haknyeon?" Ashley and I laughed as they told the story of what happened in the aftermath of Chanhee's dorm party.
"He knows I'd bite back." Haknyeon smirked jokingly.

Sunwoo suddenly stood up leaving the table, as he walked towards the exit everyone knew where he was going. Eric followed him up from the table, pulling his lighter from his pocket.
"So we'll meet you at 8pm at Eric's dorm, we'll go to the campus party. Then we'll ditch and hit up a bar."Jacob confirmed the plan for tomorrow, mapping out hand actions on the wooden table below him.
I nodded taking sips from Ashley's drink, since I felt too bad if I asked for my own. The conversation flowed well with them, it didn't grow awkward or tranquil at any point.

After around 5 minutes, a drink was placed in front of me. I saw Sunwoo sit back down opposite, back from his cigarette break.
"What is this for? Do you want the money back?-" I ushered grabbing my purse as he scooted the glass and bottle towards me.
"You've practically drank all of your friends. Don't worry about it." He replied not entirely phased by the action.
"Oh well thanks I guess." I smiled taking the bottle and opening it with a metal opener.

Ashley nudged me teasingly, I looked at her strangely, until I realized everyone around us had the same reaction as her. Some in shock, some sending teasing gazes, I looked at them sheepishly.
Was this that severely out of character for him? I feel like I'm back in middle school.

Nevertheless, the subject changed and they all resumed the original conversation.
They were all incredibly loud apart well from Jacob, who's volume was always on the quieter side anyway and Sunwoo. He just seemed to zone out and observe, making the odd joke if he was ever asked.
I would be lying if I said I didn't want to know more about the mysterious dark haired boy sitting across from me.



welcome to chapter two ! \ (˂̵ ̑̑)

this book has a lot of dialogue, it definitely has more opportunities to slip in little one-liners than my usual writing tehe.. <\3

i need to stop telling y'all about the differences and actually get on with writing
and editing... (•͈ 𓎟 •͈ )

i hope you're enjoying so far ! as i've said this book is very romcom/gradual dialogue build up to my usual style so bare with me as the characters develop and the plot starts to roll out.

have a lovely rest to your day and evening, wherever you are in the world ... (˙˙)...

leaving you with love,

clover <3

JUVENILE | kim sunwoo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now